Hey Tori - I have been avidly reading your blog and am wallowing in envy. It sounds like you're having an amazing time! Am off to Thailand for sun, surf and spas next week which is no match for trekking SA, although it is a small consolation.
Take care and enjoy! xo
Trish Bradley
Hi Tori, Narelle passed your site onto me last week and am spending Sunday morning, the day after Australia Day recovering from a big party and reading your site. In doing so have relived my own journey and adventures of Sth America- my journey was not dissimilar to yours and have been to most of the places you have visited so far. Ironically this morning had an email from friends Pete and Sally Clargo who said they met you on Perito Merino Glacier. Just shows what a small world we live in! Keep enjoying, I am green with envy. LOL - Trish
Hiya Pegstar, sounds as though you are having an amazing time, very jealous indeed!!!!!! Keep the blogs coming, lovely to hear about all your travels. Hope you had a fantastic birthday hun, so so
sorry for the belated best wishes. Take Care & looking forward to seeing you in Feb. Love Sammy & Simes xxxx
Penny Brewster
it all sounds just like a 'hermit' expedition!! ha ha. take care, have fun, enjoy. I'm not very jealous-much! Too old for all that now, me thinks. May be going to Oz this year.
Hi Tori, we love reading your blogs. Enjoy your journey, love Nadine & Keith xx
Hey Totty, All sounds fun and a great read!!! very entertaining!.
Take care
Love Helen
Tori- Que haces en Colombia!!!!!!!
Hey Buddy - thanks for the update, sounds like you're having an exciting time !! Looking forward to the next installment.. stay safe, love from V xoxox
Tori - thanks for the travel stories - so great to read. I feel like I'm reading a really good book when I read your blog as you tell your stories with so much passion! Enjoy the next stage of your adventure! Love Jools xxx
Hi Tori, the description of your journey there only goes to reinforce why I don't travel further than Melbourne! the destination though sounds fantastic, have a great time! we miss you already. xx