Ok so last time i left you i had bought some stuff in hoi an, well let me tell you that its become a serious problem!because there are three of us each time one of us goes intoa shop toget something donethe others flick thru magazines etc and want something else also AND ITS SO DAMN CHEAP!!!!!
Okso damage is this:2 suits,5shirts,3 ties,1 trouser,1 jacket all for 100 quid. and all cashmere or cotton/silk!can u believe that?!and it is all perfectly tailored made for me!oh my god i love one of the suits, blue pinstripe number with bright purple lining and i have had a detachable hood made for it as well!but my favourite is the jacket.made of navy cashmere/wool blend it was lifted directly from a burberry jacket from the autumn 2006 catwalk, i just pointed to it and said make me that one.but i added collars froma luis vuitton coat.and its perfect!exactly the same!seriously happy paz!i figured that is just too good value to my cashmere suits are about30 quid each.i kid u not. :)
added to which the food at hoi an was amazing, had a five course meal for 2 quid and i am in love with the hoi an speciality Cau Lao...basically savoury broth with doughy noodles, veg&hers and pork with flat croutons.brilliant for breakfast, who wants boring weetabix ever again?NOT ME!
also was really good that anton and brenda are here, they are fab!and thank god that anton studied fashion for a few years, he was a godsend with the suits, literally sat me and the tailors down and was like you want this and this and this, but this is so out of fashion and uncomfortable, etc etc!!problem is i have now left hoi asn with three FAT carrier bagsfull of clothes that need to be posted homeand that will cost in the region of forty quid...a new complete suit in other words, GRRR!!!!Anton however spent about 350 dollars on clothes andanother 130 dollars on postage, HA HA!
so spenta day on the beach at hoi an, reallyreallygood,huge stretches of creamy sand
with lovely warm sea, so just lay there and roasted with pineapples in our hands!
then got the bus to hue earlythe next morning BUT WAIT, despite NOT getting burnt at all, Paz is peeling on the forehead.HOW??WHY?? How unfair, i have minor blothes on my forehead of mismatched tan,not happy about this at all!Anyway, spent the day in Hue (anciet fortified town) then i got nightbus to hanoi but brenda and anton decided to spend extra day there.sad to say goodbye but they are headinghere today and wewillgo to halong bay tomorrow for a couple of days before its proper farewell.which willbe sad cos i really got on with them.
but its weird beingon myown again after so long with people i got on wellwith...kev and kieran from the start of vietnam then brenda and anton,oh well the life of a brown gay backpacker is a hard one indeed!!! :p
anyway, i hope this distracted you from work fora few minutes and anita's lazing around coffee'ing for a few mins.i hear the weatherisNOTgreat there,i sebnd you virtual sunshine by the bucketloads (tho dont think you will get it!)
im off to post my stuff home, will write soon, its free internet at my hotel!
oh,and my foot is finally healed now tho with two circular scars, erugh!
ps,my spacebar doesnt work properly but i cant be bothered to go thru and insert spaces!sorry!
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