After returning to Antigua for a night I headed to Lanquin, located 9 km north of Semuc Champey. At my first night at Zephyr Hostel (which was one of the most spectacular hostels I have stayed at; located on the side of a hill in one of the regions many valleys) I met up with Sam and Dougie. It was good seeing the guys again and we exchange…
After returning to Antigua for a night I headed to Lanquin, located 9 km north of Semuc Champey. At my first night at Zephyr Hostel (which was one of the most spectacular hostels I have stayed…
I took a short trip from Antigua to the Guatemalan highlands, known as the most dramatic region of the country, my destination was Lago de Atitlan, were traditional, indigenous values and cult…
Every person I had spoke to in Central America who had travelled from north to south had told me Guatemala had been their favourite country so I was looking forward to it a lot. My first port …
So after a strange evening we made our way to the Bay Islands and the island of Utila. Isla de la Bahia are extremely popular on the ‘Gringo Trail’ of Central America because of the cheap…
After packing up and having our last Huevos Rancheros and Gallo Pinto breakfast at Rosa’s, we hopped on a lancha in the pouring rain and returned to Big Corn Island. There we boarded a plane…
What have I always told u about motorbikes now will you believe me!! Great to hear of more of your travels just got alot more to worry about now .Keep enjoying yourself son and take care luv mumxx P.S saw Laura and Brian today they both look really well
Hi Paul, Just completed reading your blog quite the author to be. Its so interesting I feel I am there, also pictures are very informative. What a trip Paul....... Luv u Di xx8
Aunty Karen
Hello Pauliwall
Fantastic photos..again!!What an experience you are having , looks like you are having a ball!
Cold and rainy here in Spain today wish I was with your ma having a ham barm and an eclair.Keep safe lots of love Karen xxxxx
Hi Paul - Full of cold today so you really cheered me up with your first class experience. Wow what an experience yhou are having Love reading about it. Still miss and luv you Di xxx3
At last Ive been waiting for my next installment for weeks now ,great reading dont need to ask if youre enjoying yourself love MUMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
May (mum's friend)
HI Paul
hope you had a good new year's eve in Sydney & have the photos to prove it.It's great reading your blog as I do'nt expect I would ever get to travel there so your blog is the next best thing, keep it up.Best wishes for 2010
May xx
Hi Paul, I know it's a bit early but you know wot a party animal I I'm, i'll be to drunk to send this tomorrow. I hope 2010 brings you all you wish for and more! Have a great time letting in the New year in Sydney and have a couple of drinks on me. Love you and speak to you in 2010 Dad XXXX (not to early on New Years day give me time to get over my hangover)
Happy New Year Pauliewall Hope 2010 is as exciting as 2009 has been lots of new countries still to see.Hope you bring the New Year in in style at Sydney Harbour .Wish Beverley a Happy New Year from all the Tweedales and enjoy the cricket Speak to you later love and miss you MumXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Happy New Year Paul - All thinking of you wish we were there must have been spectacular Following your travels andphotos. Weather freezing here snowy rain etc bet your laughing now..... Love u Dixxxxxx
May (mum's friend)
hi Paul hope you had a good Christmas. I've been following your blog & have found it very interesting.Keep it up,glad you had some chocolate from your advent calendar.
just een looking at some pictures on Laura and Brians blog Looks like you had a great Christmas .The three of you all look really well Jamie Oliver had better watch himself Brian is hot on his heels!!
Lovely to see you yesterday on skype it made my Christmas sorry for the tears!! Sounds like you've had a great time with Laura and Brian (thanks to Brian for cooking the Christmas dinner) hope your journey to Sydney wasnt too bad speak to you soon love Mumxxxxxxxx