After a quick 12k run around the sights of Paris - Le Tower, Arc, Champes, Invalides, Louvre - you know, just the everyday kind of run...we sadly had to pack up and make our way to pick up a hire car. Sylvie, our host, had left us breakfast as usual so we munched our croissant's and started lugging our suitcases across Paris (It wasn't too bad, actually) after a quick goodbye. We had worked out the Metros by then to avoid the pickpocket mecca's so had an easy underground ride to our car hire pickup - Carroussel Louvre. Without a map to guide us we had assumed just finding the street address would furnish a Hertz in our faces, but it took quite a bit of searching (Almost an hour!!) to discover that it was inside a massive shopping centre in the lower basement - directly under the Louvre! After sorting out the (upgraded car - Renault Scenic) with onboard Sat Nav) we hit the Paris streets - emerging from the car park right at the Louvre Pyramid. Lucky for us the traffic was light, so I had a chance to get used to a slug of a diesel (It is a great car, but decides when it wants to go when you start moving). All eyes on the GPS, speedo (Its mostly 30) and lane changes to weave our way out. The combo of wrong side of the road, strange (diesel) car and busy city were stressful, but the other drivers were very friendly and we managed to emerge unscathed.
The day was mostly to be driving with a break at Blois to check out the Chateau - which was high on the hill, next to an impressive ancient bridge which survived WW2 despite attempts to destroy it (But the building around were obliterated - not that you would really know now), but the vista's over the city were awesome and some of the middle ages buildings were stunning. After a great (driving) break, and a toasted Baguette from the only open place around (Holiday day!) Australian.. we exitied the (relatively) busy town (Compared to the ghost towns we had been through) and headed for a late arvo arrival at Chartereaux. All we knew was that it was a 'hotel', so we assumed a standard hotel. Turns out hotel can mean large house or mansion in French. Mansion it was.
After squeezing down some narrow streets (Sometimes with the mirrors folded in to fit between parked cars and walls, we found it. Massive door in a towering stone building right on the 'street' and right in the middle of the heart of town. Hotel Le Fassardy. Happily welcomed by our host, a quick 'key ceremony' then she jumped in with us to lead us through the maze to the car parking at the rear. As we wandered back she gave us a brief rundown. Medieval base to town and buildings, including the current 'hotel' and then a tour of our room up in the roof up a massive spiral timber staircase with all the appropriate creaks.
The door was a story in itself, timber studded with way too much metal and about 4 generations of metal doorlocks from the ages, which then opened into our massive room with bed, lounge, writing desk. bath/shower/tv/tea etc etc. Up the ladder lead to where the girls would have slept right near the peak of the roof - amongst the ancient timbers that were held together by massive (and protruding) wooden nails. If only we had got there earlier!
We regretfully left the place in search of dinner some time later - meandering to the local italian restaurant as recommended. Most places were closed due to the holiday (Well, anything French was). The decor was great, service excellent (But not a word of English... 'The waiter that speaks English had the day off, we ascertained') and the Pizza's were both massive and awesome. Passing up on desert, we headed back to the hotel the long way round so we could soak up more of the town.
We lounged on the massive couch thingy, quick shower then snoring!
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