Big Ginge,
Looks like you're havin a class time son, not nearly enough pics of u out on the piss tho! We'll sort out a bit of a trent reunion when u get back.
Nicky J
Kate The Minx
fab photies mister, just looks absolutely fantastic! not long to go now ;) x x x
Senor De Le Grindez
G'Day mate hows things? Missin' you here fella I've only had one thing sent through to me from you whether you had the wrong e-mail address I don't no, the one I'm sendin with this is the correct one mate. Hope your having a good time bet thats a bit of an understatement as well, I'm thinkin of goin to Oz next year to play cricket for 6 months I reckon I'm goin to give it a shot of playin professionally, the season started y'day I scored 52 not bad for a first game, I'm going to become the Frank of cricket lol. Wel can't wait for Armin on the 28th should be mint hope to hear from you soon mate. Grindey!
Hi Paul
Looks like you are havinga great time down under. More pics needed. Hope we can meet up when you get back.
Hi Pauley
Hope alls going well and still having a good time, send us some more pictures mate, see you soon.
Love Suzy xxx
Uncle Seal
Happy Birthday Paul! Not sure when you will pick this message up, but hope you are having a great time. Looking forward to a few ales with you next month.....
Uncle Seal
Excellent photos thanks Paul: keep 'em coming! Hope the rest of the trip goes just as well and we are looking forward to seeing you in May. All the best.
Hi Pauley
Glad to hear you're having a good one, enjoy the rest of your hols.
Love all at PMGN X
Nice one fella armins looking good have a good one
love the photies! bit concerned about how comfortable you look on that sheep ;) x x x
wow pauley! you look like your having a great time!!XX