And has anyone else got the movie to work? All I get is the city wok 'movie hasn't been processed' message.
And why do I have to do maths to post a message?
Fell free to worship at the patron saint of me's church for as much as possble. I should get there myself one day....
Looks like a good birthday - but - the big giant head - who is he!!! And -- hail glorious St Patrick - I guess you and Cork are celebrating pretty seriously.
God Damn Mongolian
Did you get my birthday text Zills? I assume that was your message the other day from a UK#.
Keep up the South Park references, too many is never enough.
Hey Stinks!
Happy Birthday!! Hope you find a nice cold beer to celebrate and that Itis spoils you.
xxx Stinks
Happy Birthday Missy!!!
Hope you are having a fabulous time and are totally spoilt.
Loving the stories and pic - keep in up :)
Love Chlo x
Hi Zilla and Paul,
Love the happy snaps - the captions are great! Good to see you guys are having a fun time. I can feel the travel bug starting to chew away at me again - ouch!
Zills - happy birthday!! Not sure if it's the 14th over there yet. What have you got planned? Enjoy it!
Look forward to more news/photos. I miss you guys!
Love Fi xx
Hey Zilla
Happy birthday for tomorrow. Your birthday is in 2 hours our time. I have no idea what the time is in London! But hope you have an awesome day, whatever exciting stuff you're getting up to!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR THE 14TH ZILLA! Hope you have a great day. Loved all the photos - keep them coming!
Lauren D
Hey Guys,
Everything looks and sounds fantastic - I really am excited for you! Keep up the great messages and photos, they are fantastic (especially the arty ones - like Paul checking the time, very clever!).
I am slightly confused with the change of website - what happened? I am sure I will get the hang of it, though. Keep up the good messages, they are certainly keeping me entertained!. Take care, enjoy the flat beer and keep adventuring hard!
just thought I would add one of these, because I could!
Hey Guys!
Looks like fun! Heard you are taking Little Flea out for dinner and drinks tonight, make sure you look after her, she isn't quite as seasoned a drinker as us.
Look forward to some Excellent Drunken Adventures!
xxxx Stinks
Clint: I never admitted that I can't read maps. My internal compass is just taking a while to adjust. Give me a few days and I'll be back in form.
Lou: Coke in both Japan and the UK seems to be the same as in Oz. Can't notice a difference.