dudes, sorry only just getting in ur probably back now but it's been great seein all ur phtos & hearin about ur great adventures! u 2 r very lucky experiencing all these things! what memories!
Life down south is fine we must cxatch up soon laura it's been far tooooooooooooooooo long!
take care cx
In case I didnt email everyone, I had my first blonde moment in 2months and left my mobile in Fiji!! Doh!! Just so you dont think i've gone awol!! We're back in suny manc 2mo!!!!! Wooooooooooo
Bula!! (Thats Fiji for...well everything really!) Had a wicked time in Fiji. Lots of stories and photos to bore you all with when we get back (But no celebs Im afraid Ali!)
Beginning our monster journey home 2mo which is a bit scary but cant wait to see everyone. Hope you're all well and we've not bored you all too much with our journal!
We're back Wednesday night so if you people fancy meeting up towards t'weekend for a few cheeky drinks it'd be grand! (obviously realising that Sunday football takes priority!!)
Ali-Will come see you on Thursday??
Shell-You around at the weekend, need to catch up!!
Missed you all lots and lots!!!!
Big kisses
Laura and Paul xxxxx
Fiji hey,You might see some 'Celebrities' on 'Love Island,' I use the term loosely, I think they are on the Z List. Laura, Calum Best is a bit of eye candy to look out for, but not nearly as attractive as Paul in his super hero suit. You seem to have had a fab time and Im really jealous. Hope to see you both before I go on holiday on 1st September. Jennette and Sandra are both leaving next week and are going out one night but not sure if it's Thursday or Friday yet, will text when I know.
Hope you manage to blagg another upgrade on the way back.
Take care love Alixx
Wag No 1
Hola mes chicas!
Have sent you an email Loz, so I hope you get it! If not, then I hope you guys are having a great time, make the most of fiji, chill out to the max (I'm soooo ghetto right now!)
HAve just ordered the hot pink razr phone (i know u don't like it but its just so pink!) and I got a Pink filofax last week with a donation to breast cancer. I thikn you should get one too to coordinate WAG accessories, you never know, we could get a sponsorship deal one of these days!
Anyway, the people of Rotherham beckon, haha, am such a vampire!!!
Can't wait to see you, might have to come up to Sheff (as I can't get away midweek) and go out for tea
Lots of Love Shell xxxxxxxxxx
I'll have to work on my knitting when I get home! For those of you who don't know we've had a quick change of direction and are leaving NZ a little earlier to go to Fiji for about a week before we come home!! So if we don't update the journal regularly(like we do anyway!? Sorry!) or email it's because we're on an island in Fiji where you only get electricity until midnight to save on fuel for the islands generator!!
See you all soon
Paul and Laura
Auntie Cyenne
Had confirmation that you have heard the news, isn't it great? You can well guess what the conversations in the office are about at the moment. Pauly feel relieved that you arn't here with your name on the knitting rota! Having said that there will be plenty of time on your return. Hope you are both still having a ball and making the most of your stay there. Miss you loads! xxxxxxxxxx
Hey honeys!! Missin u both lots, havent really had chance to read ur journal thingys yet coz im still sunnin it in spain!! Quite burnt though lol!! Love you both tonnes xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx
Amy(Ur Adopted Lil Sis)
hey!! OMG its well quiet down here now, i came back off holiday and jac's gone away now aswell, what am i going to do!! Glad your havin such a great time!! lot of love xXxXxXxXxX missin u!!
Laura-New Zealand
Just in case you're wondering why Paul writes all the journal entries and I dont seem to get a look in...there are 2 reasons:
1. It gives Paul an excuse to disappear into internet cafes to check football 365 in peace!
2. Pauls a tad blonde when it comes to computers and so cant do the boring bit of downloading the pictures off my camera! (Or this is what he claims!!)
My friend is a huge Lord of the Rings fan and was in awe of your trip to little people land.
Well the weather has got bad, its cold and miserable. Did you get the mauri people to send the rain??!!
Have fun peeps, missing you
Sam xxx
Big Sis Laura
Love this site!! Especially all the embarrasing photo's its providing me of my lovely little brother. The 'superhero-gone-wrong' outfit is my personal favourite! Hobbit houses look cool, would loved to have been there. All the photos are great and very jealous of everything. Quite bizarre as U went to the same famous fish and chip shop when I was there!!
Hope the ferry to south island is/was ok and I'm sure you'll love it there too!!
Me and Rob are off to the Big Chill festival this weekend, so camping but nothing as posh as your campervan.
Take care, love you guys and miss you loads. Laura and Rob xxxx