The 3 day countdown has begun. I am officially panicking about the trip, as evidenced by my short temper and low tolerance for anyone just carrying on doing normal day to day things like breathing, and being perfectly pleasant.
Oliver and Ben are on a 2 day, rainy camping trip with their class in Kejimkujik Naitonal Park. They are prepping for 6 weeks of camping, by camping. Not with our tent of course, which has been strapped to the roof of our car for a week. A friend kindly lent me her roof box - which is old, spacious, and came with no way to lock, stay closed, or even secure it down. So I have been practising all week, trying to figure out how best to prevent the contents from being distributed across the highway. I think we have it. Paul bought me a fold up stall yesterday, which means I can access it all withough climbing all over the car; this alone may well have kept me out of hospital for the duration, so well worth the 30 bucks.
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