Day 193 and after our night out last night everyone was lazy in the morning getting up, except Helen who went to town to use the pay phone. By 10am the girls had wandered off to a market in town with Luke in tow, while Burns and I chilled out in the camper. Neither of us are too keen on markets. After the market we moved the camper to the lake and Helen and I went for a leisurely walk around the lake, which was made better by the excellent weather. Luke had hired out a mountain bike for half the day and Rich and Laura went to town to go on the internet. The pathway by the lake in Wanaka is decorated with a timeline of history which was pretty cool to look at (it passed the time a bit!). In the afternoon we went to a 'Range' area which had activities such as golf, archery, clay pigeon shooting and rifling. Burns Helen and I had a go on the driving range. This was Helens first time ever hitting a golf ball and she was very nervous and wanted me and Rich to look away when she tried to hit it. Eventually she got the hang of it and was pretty good. After an hour there, back at the lake we tried to play 4 man quick cricket (Coops was sleeping/reading in the camper). It eventually turned into catching practice with me smacking the tennis ball as high as I could and Luke Burns and Helen scrambling to catch it between them. During this, Helen managed to rip her trousers, get grass stains on them and break her flip flops. Dinner was pork pesto in a tomato sauce which was very nice. At one point Burns offered me $5 to go and get him a kebab, but he soon realised how stupid this was and went without. As we drove out of the lake car park, one of the cupboards wasn’t shut so as we went over a bump, loads of jars fell out. A pesto jar smashed, and two others hit Helen on the knees. She wasn’t impressed.
Day 194 and it was Easter Monday and our last day in Wanaka. I was woken about 630am and the camper was moving. Luke had decided to drive the camper to town to use the phone. The other 4 of us continued to sleep while he phoned. After another sly use of the campsites showers, Helen made pancakes as an Easter treat and Luke informed us that whilst on the phone he had got a job....for the day after we get back from Travelling at Clays Book factory where he worked before! Two things struck me about this, one, Luke, without looking or trying, is getting people trying to employ him in the recession, and two, less than 24 hours after we land from LA, he is going to be going back to work. Helen even described him as 'crazy'. This news overshadowed the fact that Coops decided to use about half a tub of butter on her pancake which looked sickly. After this we were on the road to Queenstown, and as Helen and I have the top bed we decided to nap for the drive, as it gets so boring sitting in the back. 2 hours later and we arrived. We walked round and had lunch in the camper. It then took us a while to work out who wanted to do what activities. Burns and Luke wanted to do the Nevis bungy (134 metres!) Helen and I wanted to the do the original bungy bridge (43 metres) while all of us bar Burns wanted to do White water rafting. In the bungy centre we booked all the jumps and rafts for later in the week. In town we saw a street performer who was trying to get a big crowd to watch him. The girls instantly got bored and wandered off but us 3 lads thought he was rather funny (if not the best performer). He looked very creepy, and the crowd took a while to take to him. His first trick was to swallow a 36 inch balloon down his throat. Then he got tied up in a straight jacket, and tried to flick a burning hat from his foot onto his head. When he failed the first 3 times it was awkward to watch. After 7 goes, he did it, to sarcastic applause. His finale was to swallow a sword. Burns and I fancied some pool so went to the sports bar and had a beer for good measure. The pool was free which was even better! Dinner was Beef Risotto, which was another food which Helen was trying for the first time. After dinner and what seemed like ages for the girls to get ready we went into town for a few drinks. We went to 2 bars, The Red Rock, and Winnies Pizza Bar. Every bar or pub in Queenstown seems to offer a special deal on pizzas which Coops has been craving (and constantly letting us know about it) for ages. About 1130 we headed back to the camper, but not before Burns and I got a kebab (though I didn’t really like mine as he put Humus and yoghurt and others rubbish in it).
Day 195 and as we were parked in a lay by where we probably shouldn't have been Luke got up early and drove to a town car park so we could sleep easy and not worry about being clamped or fined. By 10-11ish we had all got up and as the weather was so good we headed to the 'Frisbee Golf Course'. Located in the Queenstown gardens we took our own frisbee and had a go. It is basically golf, but you throw a frisbee and the target is a pole which you have to hit, or a chain bucket which you have to get the frisbee into. I thought Laura and Helen would give up after 3-4 holes as they are not too keen on frisbee, or golf! It was made more obvious when I finished the first hole and threw it back to the tee, instead of the girls trying to catch it, they both screamed and ran behind a tree. It was clear from the start that Luke was very good; he pared the opening 3 holes. It took us ages to complete each hole as with only 1 frisbee between 5, we had to relay it back after each person had completed the hole. A couple of our really attempts nearly ended up in the water as the holes were parallel to the Queenstown Jetty. After over an hour of Frisbee Golf we decided to do the back 9 another day and headed to town to have an eagerly awaited lunch. On our travels I had heard rumors of 'FergBurger'. A place in Queenstown which sold the best burgers around. Some even are so big; you need 3 hands to eat one. None of us had eaten all morning in preparation. We arrived at peak time 1pm, and the queue was big. The girls ordered normal 'Fergburgers' which although the cheapest on the menu, were still massive. US lads were a bit more ambitious. Luke and Burns ordered 'The Big Al' for $16 which had everything imaginable in it. I had 'Mr Big Stuff' which for $15 didn’t have Beetroot and Egg in it. The wait for the burgers was torturous. Watching other people around us eating massive burgers was very difficult. The wait was about 30 mins but eventually our numbers were called and we walked to the waterfront to eat them. We felt compelled to take photos of these huge burgers and us trying to eat them. The big Al's were so big they couldn’t actually eat them to start with. Mine was a bit easier. It took about 20 minutes to eat, Burns and Luke literally stuffing their faces into the meat. Burns had loads of food caught in his beard. and we all felt sick once we were done, though also very satisfied. I was so full I was sure I wouldn’t need to eat for the rest of the day. I felt very tired all of a sudden so decided to have a powernap in the camper, while the others read or went on the internet. After a good nap, Burns Luke and I went to the sports bar to play some pool, Helen joined us later, while Coops lay in the camper. The girls had Pasta for dinner, while us lads didn’t eat a thing, which I think is pretty amazing. We drove to the lay by about 10pm for a good night’s sleep, especially as Luke and Burns had their Nevis jump in the morning.
Day 196 I was awake at 8am cause Luke and Burns were driving to do their Nevis Bungy. While they were waiting I went to the sports bar to try and watch the Liverpool Chelsea Champions League Game. The sports bar wasn’t showing it till midday so I found out the score as I couldn’t wait. 4-4! Bit of a shock, but was apparently an epic game so I decided I would watch it anyway later. The girls were in bed till 10-11ish, Coops then went to Starbucks, and Helen had a wander around town as I headed to the sports bar at 12. The game was literally a recording onto a VHS and played back for the backpackers. I had to sit next to an annoying Norwich/Liverpool fan that wouldn't stop talking to me as I was trying to watch the game. He was your classic "thinks he knows loads about football, but actually knows nothing apart from what people say on TV". The game was awesome and at 2 I headed back to the camper. The girls were waiting for the lads but got bored so went to town to find bookshops. The lads returned and were very pleased after the Nevis. I watched a video on Burns camera which was hilarious as he fell from 134 metres. Once we were all back I suggested we go play pool at the sports bar as it was free. No one seemed really interested and when we got there and found the table was taken, Coops went straight for the net, as did Burns and Luke. Helen and I went back to the camper and chilled out. After a short drive to Arrowtown to charge the battery we tried to empty the waste but came to the conclusion it was well and truly blocked, so we couldn’t wash anything up. The camper stank of the waste as the smell was coming up through the sink. Dinner was Chicken Stroganoff and mash. Burns had another attack of the dodgy sauces and we had to wait for him to get back from the toilets before we drove off to a lay by for the night. I was pretty excited as tmoro would be White Water Rafting and Bungy day.
Day 197 I was woken by either the rain hammering down on the camper, or Burns going for his morning pisses outside. He goes for 2 religiously every morning. The rain had been coming down all night, but by the time we were heading to the rafting centre it had eased slightly. If anything though, the rain would make the rafting better. As Laura, Helen, Luke and I were doing rafting this left Burns to himself. He would end up watching the football in the sports bar all morning with beer. The drive to the raft centre took 10 mins and we got into our wetsuits, just like the ones in Waitomo. Once we had waited ages for the girls to get ready, they then went and got on a different bus. The journey to the top of the Shotover river took about 45 mins and it was through really rough and rugged terrain. Skippers Canyon which we drove through was used for filming many scenes in Lord of the Rings. On the girls bus, they were told the roads were made of cow-pats squashed together using dynamite by the Chinese (random). Our guide for the rafting was called Paul and he reminded me of a drill sergeant. He was very stern with his commands of how to paddle and where to sit and move, though this turned out to be a good thing as we were the best raft and often went from the back to the front. The other 3 people in our raft were 3 Irish guys. Their accents were so strong that I could barely understand them. I was sat at the front right of the raft (being at the front was the best). The going started out easy to start with but got harder as we went along. One raft in front of was out of control and went side on into a rock near the bank and the bounce off it forced 2 people to fall out. There was also a group of 7 American lads who were being complete idiots shouting and hollering at every paddle. No wonder people find certain Americans so annoying. Just before the final rapids we went through a 150 metre tunnel which we all had to duck under. The final rapid was called Cascade and we were the only raft that flipped over through it. The raft seemed to balance on its side for ages before we all fell in. I came up from the water to see Helen and an Irish guy being dragged away by the current. I grabbed the dingy and helped Paul drag it to shore with someone else. All in all, the rafting was good fun. The showers afterwards were a nice warm up, and not surprisingly we had to wait for the girls as they took ages to get ready.
Back at the camper by 1, Helen had a nap as she wasn’t feeling great (not ideal ahead of our bungy) while Coops and Luke fell asleep. I read my book and had a sarnie. At 230 Helen and I walked to the bungy centre, eventually got on a bus to the Kawarau bridge at 3ish. By 4 we were there and getting suited up. I was in the heavier line made up of mostly lads and Helen was in the light person line (her and 2 other tiny girls). Some of the people jumping were so nervous it was actually funny. The Bungy crew were literally pushing people off. Helen was up next and looked a bag of nerves, even asking the bungy man to "make sure you do the straps nice and tight” She jumped really well and apparently screamed all the way down (I couldn’t hear from the top). I had to wait for ages as all the heavier people went in front of me. Eventually I was up and was told I would be dunked into the water. I managed to jump off and was in the water before I knew it. Such a good experience. Probably want to do another one someday. Back in the car park we met with others who had been to clear out the waste tank and had a bit of a nightmare by the sound of things. Dinner was Chicken Curry. Luke went to global gossip for the evening, while Laura went to use the phone before we went to bed.
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