After the happenings of the previous evening which we are still trying to fragment together, we woke up in our 12 bed room surrounded by what only can be described as an aftermath. Dilan was still in last nights clothes, the Canadian guy to the left of me was covered in clay and sand, the guy in the bunk above him was sleeping a la birthday suit, the bunks to the right of me were empty and the mattresses were soaking wet. What happened last night? It seemed everyone in the room had had an equally as crazy night, does this happen every night in Sihanoukville?!
It turned out that the guy in the top bunk had spilt his bottle of water all over his bed which resulted in it trickling down and consequently soaking the girl beneath. God only knows what she must have thought that was. Anyway, after exchanging stories and attempting breakfast, we bid them all farewell and good luck on their continuing travels. The Canadian guy gave me his copy of the Kite Runner (thankfully no sand) and we checked out and prepared for our next destination- Koh Rong!
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