glad u are havin a good time i mite be able to get a bit of a tan here as its hot so i wont look so pale next to u when u get back we are all missin u lots the phots are really good wish i was with u its looks well nice where u have been
lots of love kirsty matt snoopy and missy ( and dad as he prob will never get on here )
Great updates. Am very jealous. Work still mad. Hope the wine is still good, and plentiful!!
Ian & Ann
Glad you're having such fun. We're back from India now after a great experience & good weather. Mind you I'm keepimg off the curries for a week! Jayne & Les coming this weekend ~ over from Spain.
Take Care XX
Rob Schulz
Pam new roster out ends 19th Aug do I need to put one in for you.Also projected roster form beginning 6/8/07 is blank should it be or do I need to fill it in for you?? send SMS not email if you need me to do anything. Rob xx
Rob Kittle
Are you lost, or just no computers there?
How are the vocal chords?
Rebecca And Paul
Hi good to see the piccys it looks so beautiful out there. like the van. THOSE HATS WERE FUNNY! hope you're still having fun
lol rebecca and paul
Rob Schulz
Hi we survived the move to the third floor some probs as expected(about to write to Sheri about some) but OK very isolating in the rooms . Missing you but glad your having fun had a laugh reading your tales
Margaret Smith
Glad to see your enjoying yourself and keeping up with the exercises.
Missing you at the quiz-but hey its worth it all this travelling. Mags xxx
Sarah And Danny
Hey you two,
great to hear your having fun! We can sympathise about the flies and the swarm of locusts! In Goa now and the rest of the Dudleys say hello. Last few days of our trip then back to reality...yikes! Keep having fun and living the dream.....
Stephen And Katherine
It sounds like you are having a great time. The photos were definitely worth while - may be quicker next time round?
How is my patented pan-continental multi-socket adaptor working ?
(we are retyping this as we could not solve the sum)
missing you
Joyce Catterick
Hi, sounds like you are having lots of fun. Missing you at work Pam. Take care.