Yesterday was just about a perfect day in Noosa! We started off with a stunning 7k walk around the headland. The first half was through deep rain forest and we spotted several Skint and a flock of Lorikeet. The second half was a coastal track with the most amazing views of coves and cliffs. All the way we saw hardly another soul! Brilliant! However, we did come across the most amazing piece of wilful vandalism - carved into the bark of a Eucalyptus tree we saw the words "Sion Tomas" - not sure who the culprit can be. Know of anyone who has visited Australia with those names and spellings?
We had a lovely lunch on the patio of the surf club overlooking the beach. We were approached by a committee member who welcomed us to his club and told us that they had recently entertained to lunch a group of Lions tour representatives. Apparently the Lions will be staying in the Sheraton in Noosa during the upcoming tour. Rog was very excited at the thought that BOD and Manu would be having lunch in the same place as us in a month or so. In preparation for the tour the local council have apparently passed an edict banning any adults under 4 foot 6 inches from the town!
The afternoon was spent lazing on the beach. At least I was lazing on the beach while Roger frolicked in the surf. Not sure whether frolicked is the most appropriate word but if whales can frolic - then so can Rog! I am a bit worried that he is building up to investing in a pair of budgie smugglers - he keeps going on about how his shorts are impeding his speed through the water and take so long to dry. He has also made me promise that I wouldn't take any photos!
Today was a bit overcast so we explored some more walks in the National Park and were fortunate to spot a Koala (Roger will insist on referring to it as a Panda but take my word it was actually a Koala!). Also saw a huge Goanna or Lace Monitor Lizard. Walks were stunning and we only saw one other couple the whole way. Spent some time walking around the Noosa waterways and finished with an ice cream and quick dip! How lucky are we?
Tomorrow we move on to Hervey Bay in preparation for our trip to Fraser Island. Having a slight domestic about how much luggage we can/should take with us for overnight stay - you can imagine who wants to do what! Still makes a change from disagreeing as to which direction is right or left!
- comments
Nick Just glad the RSPCA didn't drag Roger out to the depths as a rescue operation.