Since arriving in Koh Samui, our vacation from our vaction, we have done a whole lot of nothing! It's been great. Who would have thought that we need a break? Ha! We have actually tried to stick to a schedule. It involves waking at 8:15 (rough) to the sound of the waves from the Gulf of Thailand. Then heading to breakfast. I am a big fan of the pancakes smeared with pineapple jam. Before we head back to our hut we stop and play with Ken, the resident yellow lab for a bit. He has been in trouble lately for jumping in the Koi pond and eating the fish so we think he needs a few extra scratches behind the ears. Then we actually do about 4 hours of schoolwork a day. It is not that rough as we are chillin' on the patio at the same time. The afternoon is pool time, cocktails and hammocks. We do have plans to head to the beach, but it has been a little too windy the past few days. After showers we usually head into town for dinner or just stay at the resort. Nina is in love with the resort's spring rolls and they have taken over for the lasagne staple in Europe. She ate the last of their supply at lunch so we will definitely head out to dinner tonight. The best part of the day is heading back to the hut after dinner. The place is dark and inevitably someone goes into a bedroom or bathroom or kitchen and turns on a light and is greeted by a gecko scurrying for cover. Then there are lots of screams and running and jumping up to the couch or bed. Today I altered the schedule a bit and got a two hour/$39 Thai massage. It's gonna be a rough two weeks!
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