Quick update on the last few days in Mexico...
We left Flores early morning on a painfully slow and bumpy bus up to Bethal on the Northern border. The bus took us to immigrations then dumped us on another brightly painted longboat thing over another river where a shuttle took us into Palenque in Mexico. The difference between the two countries just from this journey was so stark it was crazy! Mexico in comparison is luxurious.
In Palenque we checked into a hilarious dorm which was essentially a hotel roof terrace with a corrugated iron roof, no walls, only some beds with coloured blankets, some cacti, and an assortment of lizards. It was reminded us of a Vietnamese war hospital but had excellent views over the city and the mountains. Luckily it cooled off in the night and we slept really well except the moment when Lauren screamed us awake because a cat jumped on her head and she thought it was a panda.
The next day we went to visit two amazing waterfalls in the Chiapas region, Misol-Ha and Azul Aqua. Azul Agua in particular was incredible, turquiose pools and limestone slides and the perfect temperature to swim in.
From Paleque we caught an overnight bus to Merida and checked into a hostel right in the Parque Central with a balcony overlooking the square. We spent the day visiting museums on Mayan heritage learning some interesting things... such as the Mayans believed humans are a mix of the blood of the gods and corn flour... a belief that pretty much sums up their whole culture.
From Merida we headed to Cancun and enjoyed it about as much as last time as it is a horrible seedy characterless place. All in all we were not too sad to leave!
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