Out Of The Rut
Hello all.
I left Saigon and made it up the Mekong Delta by boat/bus/motorbike into Cambodia. The journey up the Delta was amazing. The change was noticeable leaving Vietnam and arriving in Cambodia. For 1 the land was alot flatter but 2 the children seemed to all be naked swimming in the dirty rivers and the poverty was obvious..however they were more friendly than the Vietnamese waving on the riverbanks. Phnom Penh was not the place I expected it to be and I stayed lakeside (seemed to be the seedy area) with a few other travellers I had met. We arrived late so had little choice.. we moved the following day to somewhere nicer. We grabbed some tuc tucs and went to see the killing fields (where the Kymer under Pol Pots regime killed thousands of innocent people) and S21 - the school that was turned into a prison and torture camp. It truly was horrific.
We left Phnom Penh and all got the bus upto Siem Reap....however the bus broke down and they kicked us off the bus on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere for 4 hours in the midday heat!!! Annoyed.. We had to wait for other buses to pass and pick us up. I had to sit on the f#$*"g floor of the bus with locals puking all around me... Don't get me started. That journey ended at the bus station in Siem Reap where about 50 tuc tuc drivers wanted to take you to a guest house so they thought the way to do that was to grab your arm or clothes and pull you. That was and error, I nearly punched a few in the face and made sure I had a metre space. That was a long day. The free massage at the guest house helped me forget it.
I spent 3 days at Angkor Wat and around the other temples. Amazing. Truly amazing. The photos do not do it justice at all. On the third day I hired a bike around...Big mistake with the heat and in addition the brakes were not very effective which I only found out after I went down a hill off road, hit some stone ruins and went over the handle bars grazing my arms. I thought a massage would help after that bike ride but unfortunatly she forgot not to do my arms and I whinced as she rubbed the grazed area. Also went to Battembang - bus number 2 - and guess what breakdown number 2. This was just a flat tyre actually which only delayed us by 1/2 hour... thankfully. Battembang was a contrast to the other tourists really and everything shut at 9pm. I went overland from here to the border to cross into Thailand. I unfortunatly was last to board the bus but thats fine because it was a "VIP" bus with allocated reclining seats etc... wrong!! they seemed to have an extra passenger with no f#$*"g seat, aka me!!! They said sit on the floor for 4 hours!!! which I did for 1 hour until people started walking past me to the toilet and then walking back with wet feet!!! And no it was not just water!!! so I stood the remainder of the way against the door until they opened it while the bus was still moving and then my standing on the bus problem was nearly sorted. I would have needed an ambulance had I fallen out of there. That was long journey no2. But I arived in Bangkok in Kho San Road and quickly left there to the less busy street round the corner. I am now waiting for the bus to take me to Chiang Mai (12 hours). If I do not get a seat on this one I may be going to prison cus I will kill somebody this time!!!!
All in all Cambodia was amazing with friendly people and I would love to go back. Thailand should be good though (Assuming the rain holds off).
Laters all.
Enjoy the pics. Have not taken one picture in Bangkok and I have been here 2 days!!
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