Hello sunny people,looks like you have had some good weather. Could you bring some back if you have enough baggage allowance?We have snow to 400mtrs so the mainland should look nice when we get there.Enjoy the rest of your hols
Still Here. No problems with the tsanami here, although there was a wave about a metre high along one of the coasts, that was supposed to be our part of it. You would be amazed how many people rushed to the beaches to see it ! Police had to move them on. I think I read that Witianga was evacuated just in case.Weather has been pretty bad, so no golf croquet. Went to your Lighthouse cinema with Pat to see 'The Young Victoria' which we enjoyed. She and Roy have gone up to Taupo today to celebrate the 50th birthday of Roy's cousin. They own the motor camp at Acacia Bay.Barbara helping out looking after grandchildren during school holidays.Maggie rang me today. Went home from the hospital yesterday. Has to inject herself in the stomach because of the clots in her lungs, and will be going on Warfarin. She has now lost 60% of her sight in one eye, due to the tumour. Wants me to take her into Huut Hospital next week to see the 'girls'.Will Tom need a new wardrobe to fit all his new clothes in ? Make the most of it now, time is passing very fast. Take good care of one another. Love Mum xxx
You look as though you are enjoying yourselves ! Enjoyed the photos. The apartment looked very nice, and you have seen some lovely places. Looked abit cold in the Blue Mountains, much like here.How many layers of clothes did Tom have on ? Have fun, Love Mum xxx
Have great time, hope you've x ray vision when you get to Sydney !
( amazed i found this site to leave this message )