Hey!!! Its thursday at 10:18 here!! I just got back from a social gathering they did for us, they had hot food and a quiz bowl, it was alright!!! The food is really different here, i miss a good ole cheeseburger, i havent been able to eat much at all, because i get sick every night!!! Hopefully i will get used to the food!!! Well last night we took coach buses to downtown london for a medieval banquet. The medieval banquet was in old dungeons underground the Tower of London. I will post pictures later. It was definatly not like a medieval thing back in the states. They had singing, dancing, and entertainment though!! They served us a four course meal and plenty of wine and beer!!! Than afterwards we walked down the street and saw the Tower Bridge, which was amazing. It was a first look at anything historic in london. Before now, it felt like I was just in some wierd place on a university campus. I think were gonna go back tomorrow to hang out!! The temperature sucks here. Its really cold and rains every day!! Its barely ever dry. Also everything is ridiculously expensive. Since all we do is drink pretty much, a beer costs like 2 to 3 pounds which is like 6 dollars at home. One night they had pound beers but thats still 2 dollars. EVerything costs money here!!! Some of buses that we have to take to get around, costs a pound a ride!!! You have to pay like 150 pounds for a membership to the athletic facility. I think im still going to do it though, im gonna have alot of free time during the week!! Well Good day!!!
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