Today we drove north from Bergen to the small town of Solvorn. Although it continued to rain today, the scenery we passed was truly unbelievable. We drove 150 kilometers (about 2 hours) to the town of Gudvangen. There we embarked on a ferry ride to Kaupanger riding the length of the Naeroyfjorden. This trip is said to be one of the most beautiful stretches of landscape in the world and we couldn't agree more. Even in the light rain and low hanging clouds, we could enjoy the sights - hillsides dotted with farms and small homes reachable only by boat, magnificent waterfalls cascading down steep rocky mountainsides, and abundant forests. Mary Sue took a picture of every barn and small farm on the ride - approximately 300.
Once we arrived in Kaupanger, we stopped at another stave church to take some pictures. It was the largest stave church in the region, built around 1150. After another short drive through more tunnels, past rushing rivers and beautiful waterfalls, we turned onto what seemed to be a single lane road to Solvorn. On the way down, we saw some Scottish Highlanders along the road and stopped for a bit to check them out. We continued into Solvorn, a small town of about 200 people, to the Walaker hotel.
The Walaker hotel has been in existence for over 300 years. Ole is the 9th generation of Walakers to own the hotel and greeted us when we arrived. We opted to stay in one of the older buildings on the grounds and have three rooms that are very intriguing! We got settled and then spent some time in the parlor reading and playing games. Arin kept the room warm stirring the fire and Keely whipped everyone in the games we played.
Since the rain continued, we decided to eat dinner at the hotel - a four course meal! We got ready for dinner and were served champagne to "lift our spirits due to the rain." We toasted our trip and sat down for an exceptional meal of shellfish and scampi soup, salmon, and chicken with chocolate cake for dessert. Absolutely wonderful! After a good dinner and good conversation, we took a walk out in front of the hotel to the dock. The rain had cleared and we were able to see across the fjord to the town across the way. Tomorrow brings more hikes and exploring in the fjord region and more stories to tell!
- Kevin & Mary Sue
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