Just before jumping on the plane and leaving yet another continent, there might be still time to list eight weird and wonderfull facts we discovered during our trip through Europe.
1. The famous Titanic was built in the Middle of Belfast, in Northern Ireland, which is also the place where the rubber tyre was invented.
2. Still in Northern Ireland, Derry is fast becoming the city of choice to celebrate Hallowen during a massive street party among century old walls.
3. Belfast has recently been voted the safest city in the UK
4. In France alone, there are 40 000 castles, 300 types of cheese and 450 different wine appellations.
5. In the provencal town of Chateauneuf du Pape, famous for its red wine, it is illegal for a UFO to land in the city centre (they must have had one glass too many when they voted on that law...)
6. The language spoken in the Pays Basque, between France and Spain has no known origin on Earth (the UFO must have decided to land here instead, to avoid a hefty French fine).
7. Technically, nudity is legal everywhere in Spain, which explains why the birthday suit is so popular on spanish beaches ( so handy in the summer heat)
8. Tomatoes, potatoes, cacao and tobacco were all introduced to Europe by Spain. That means that thanks to Spain, millions of young adults are hooked on ketchup, chips, chocolate and cigarettes.
Food for thought...I wonder what we are going to discover in Thailand...
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