One way to S.E.A.
Blog 25
The next morning in Chiang Khong we checked out of Thailand and crossed the Mekong river to check into Laos. Getting a visa was a bit of a shambles but just over an hour later all 4 of us had passports in hand and were bording the slow boat to Pak Beng.
6 hours later, and maybe 6 blogs down we arrived in the poky town, to find some fairly cheap accommodation. A lovely Indian meal that night (served and cooked by children!) And we hit the hay. Exciting message from home this evening saying I need to Skype them... All will be revealed later when I speak to them! Hopefully not jumping to girly conclusions! :-)
Packed lunch made in Pak Beng and we boarded the next slow boat; destination Luang Prabang! Whoop!
Love Jo x x x
- comments
Mum xxx So you've made it to Laos! Well done. Plus an exciting Skpe with Tim and Nikki - I hear you cried Jo!!