This entry will have to cover our whole time in Hervey Bay as it kind of all roles into one! We found the best hostel we have stayed in, the whole time of Oz. We had our own unit with a proper lounge, kitchen and bathroom and to start with we had it all to ourselves but after that there were only two other people! So we had our own little house, with a balcony you could see the sea from I will say though it was about half a mile away!
Anyway our first day in Hervey Bay all went a bit pear shaped and ended with a trip to A&E! We decided to make the most of the good weather and went down to the beach, happily playing in the sea! Obviously the boys got a bit rough and Olof did a backflip off of Ash and kicked in the face. So off to the hospital which resulted in a 4 hour wait and 4 stitches to Ash's lip! I wont complain about the NHS again! As he would need the stitches out 5 days later we decided to stay in Hervey Bay so we could relax and it is a nice place so we werent complaining! Ash said he almost died!
The following day, Olof and Ash done their skydive while I waited on the beach for them, I was slightly jealous and have been promised one for my birthday next year. Although Olof said it wasnt as big a buzz as the bungee jump but it still looked amazing.
The rest of the time we spent relaxing and looking around, also enjoying a coffee and cheese and tomato toastie for $3 (you cant beat that) at the sea front! It was recommended by the guy who owns the hostel, who is really friendly, he's only had it for 2 weeks and has big plans but we liked it just the way it was!
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