Hi Oliie
Brill blogs up to the standard we've come to expect don't know how you are managing to keep it up but great for us at home in England.Malcolm and I have just returned from our own adventurous travels -yes you've guessed it the Canaries again where the only decisions we had to make were which bit if beach to commandeer and when to go to the bar for a drink! Hope you are feeling better.
love Jane
Sorry to hear about your adverse reaction to medication - hope the larium proves to be the answer. Must be great to have a little luxury in your latest hotel!!
I'm way behind in my reading (trying to catch up) - for me you're still in Katmandu which means I can't get the Cat Stevens song out of my head.
Message for 'dad'. I have the same problem with the advert blocking access to the message board tab - but it is only preventing us getting to the message board page not posting when you get there.
The solution is to type the page address into the address bar
and then to save that under bookmarks by clicking 'bookmark this page'
Ollie - the blogs are great. The elephant riding sounded fantastic and, going back a week or two, I really enjoyed your and James' accounts of the trek in Nepal. Super pictures too, which made it even more vivid. I felt for the two "tired guys" with red faces - don't knock the poor old sods. Looking forward to reading about the trip, but appreciate it will be more sporadic, as and when you get a chance. I'm enjoying the rare chance to leave a message, as my little computer has a dirty great advert over the "Message Board" section and I can rarely get hold of Adam's or Meely's computer. Dad
Grandad - yeah you're right, they also occasionally use 'Simla' - I assume there are two different spellings for the town. A very strange place though, the British influence is pretty bizarre. Off to Bankok tomorrow, so the weather promises to get hotter!
Still enjoying the blogs enormously - the rafting experience sounds really good. Shimla (which I thought was Simla) is a name which comes to me from stories of the Raj and is redolent of tea planters escaping the climate lower down and trying to turn India into Surrey! Our brief period of spring has turned colder and the wind on the golf course today was biting - not quite up to your standard of new experiences! Keep safe.
Jane and I have been having a relaxing day lying on the sand soaking up the sun - your adventures sound so strenuous that I´ll have to go and have another beer.
Really enjoying reading all your adrenaline fuelled, sensual adventures!!!! Too much for us middle aged people.
The trek sounds brilliant and James' photos are amazing. Another world. You must be so pleased you made the effort.
I am enjoying reading about all your adventures. Stephen is printing it out fpr me, I will have the book printed for you later! For my birthday Ma and Pa are buying me a lap top so watch out anything can happen !!!!!!
Wow! That entry must've taken hours to do, really appreciated it. Glad you survived the blockade, sounds a bit scary.
As soon as I had sent the last message your dateline had changed to German - ain't science wonderful?