Olivia's Travels 2006
Well, here we are. In Bangkok. Staying just off the Kao San Road and four of us are sharing a family room in a wee hotel...what luxury!
After spending the night in the dump that is Sungai Kolok i returned to the station and got chatting to three girls who were travelling together (one of whom i had met v briefly on the Perhentians) I told them what i did for a job and that i would be working for JPC next year and Fiona goes to Heaton Baptist! Her sister Lynsey, went to Fulwood for years and both of them know loads of the same people as me! Random! (Lynsey and Fiona Pollard for those of you that know them) Laura is the other girl travelling with them and she (like me) is 'an independent'!
We got the sleeper train up to Bangkok (22hrs) and we're all leaving here on the 12th; me to Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Chiang Khong and then into Laos with a couple of days going down the Mekong River to Luang Prabang and Vientiane.
Very hot here some shopping to do and i might go for a cheap massage...i love this place. :o)
Much love as before.
Liv. x
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