Olive's Journey
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Salta, Argentina

New blog entry posted
Salta, Argentina

New blog entry posted
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Carol Reynolds Hi Olive-wow! What else can I say-your swimming adventures will fill my dreams for months and I like swimming! It all sounds great in retrospect but no rooms and no bookings and sharks and narrow defiles-you've been incredibly brave and obviously enjoying it all well enough to write about it too. Looking forward to talking about your adventures in quiet Bray-how will you cope with the pace? X Carol
Virginia Olive it's 1.27am and I'm spellbound reading about your travels. Next trip you are bringing me!! Virg X

New blog entry posted
Santiago, Chile

New blog entry posted
Gallapagos, Ecuador
Olwen Olive, I finally found your blog! Wow you certainly are having the adventure of a lifetime. I really admire you and all that you are doing. Keep having wonderful experiences and I look forward to reading even more adventures! xx
Sally Hi Ol, You're just amazing - I'm so jealous and full of admiration - fair f...ks (as you say yourself!). I'm looking forward to the next instalments. Luv
Olwen Hi Olive, great to hear from your travels again, it had been a while. The photo is beautiful and your description really makes me wish I was there. Happy Travels xx
re: Salta, Argentinapam Hi Olive! Don't think you need to say much more about the falls, the fabulous photo says it all! I did manage to go to Niagara, but these ones look sooo spectacular, and we never had toucans and the fab bird life you talk of. The power of the water is incredible, isn't it - just another one of those things you won't forget on this amazing trip! Thanks for sharing!!
re: Salta, ArgentinaTrish Yes Olive, Like Virginia, I am also reading this quite late 2.05am, and am equally spellbound. How will you ever settle down again after all these fantastic adventures? Trish
re: San Pedro de Atacama, ChileVirginia Olive it's 1.27am and I'm spellbound reading about your travels. Next trip you are bringing me!! Virg X
re: San Pedro de Atacama, ChileCarol Reynolds Hi Olive-wow! What else can I say-your swimming adventures will fill my dreams for months and I like swimming! It all sounds great in retrospect but no rooms and no bookings and sharks and narrow defiles-you've been incredibly brave and obviously enjoying it all well enough to write about it too. Looking forward to talking about your adventures in quiet Bray-how will you cope with the pace? X Carol
re: San Pedro de Atacama, Chilepam Wow Olive! What excitement,what courage, what a story!! I can't wait to see the photos. There will be photos, won't there? I can imagine all the stories you will be telling your grandchildren on your return and I hope you will find some time and energy to share them with us too. (I take it this is just the short version here in the blog). I felt like I was on the bus with you!Can't wait for the next instalment!! Take very good care of yourself and continue to enjoy every minute. Pam x
re: San Pedro de Atacama, ChileCarmel O'Brien Gosh you make life sound tame here. Even though we had the bomb squad in our estate last Saturday! You make me envious of all your adventures.
re: Havana, CubaOlwen Olive, you have a wonderful way with words. You convery everything from the fear/worry of the unexpected regarding travel and accommodation, to the wonderful beauty and majesty of all that you see. Its a pleasure to read!
re: San Pedro de Atacama, ChileMaeve What a fab time you are having Olive. You will be coming home as fit as a fiddle too! keep the writing up - it's so interesting to follow your adventures. love M
re: Gallapagos, EcuadorSally Hi Ol, You're just amazing - I'm so jealous and full of admiration - fair f...ks (as you say yourself!). I'm looking forward to the next instalments. Luv
re: Gallapagos, Ecuador- last visited

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Olive has not added a travel plan yet
pam Hi Olive! Don't think you need to say much more about the falls, the fabulous photo says it all! I did manage to go to Niagara, but these ones look sooo spectacular, and we never had toucans and the fab bird life you talk of. The power of the water is incredible, isn't it - just another one of those things you won't forget on this amazing trip! Thanks for sharing!!
Olwen Hi Olive, great to hear from your travels again, it had been a while. The photo is beautiful and your description really makes me wish I was there. Happy Travels xx