The forecasts were not promising and the coastguard was repeating his "gale" warning on E force 6 but the other forecasts were all giving a 3 or 4 easterly backing NE later so we left Ijmuiden at noon and once outside stopped the engine and sailed northwards against the tide.
It was a lovely easy sail in warmish overcast but fair conditions. The wind varied in strength but never got strong and we sailed with sheets eased for less than six hours turning into the Den Helder channel somewhat earlier than anticipated. But it was calm and with good visibility we rounded the coast and received permission to enter the naval port and thence the Naval marina where we were given an easy berth in this very small marina within the vast expanse of the Royal Dutch Navy's principal port.
Met a couple of English guys delivering a large catamaran workboat to Kiel, they were just off to check into a hotel for the night before pressing on tomorrow. We will go inland tomorrow as the forecast for the weekend is not nice. We were planning to take the Schurack channel to Vlieland but while I have been assured there will be sufficient water the charts show not enough for my comfort. So we will head inside Texel and make our way to Harlingen where we will enjoy the shoreside activities for a few days.
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