Mary, Rod and John's New Zealand adventures
Well, we're all home safe and sound! Flight home was long - very long! Christchurch to Singapore was 10hrs 25mins and Singapore to Heathrow was 13hrs 35mins!
It's cold here! Thankfully Rob and Becky have got the house nice and warm for us!
Might try and put a few choice pics on here now we're back with familiar computer systems.
Thanks for reading and joining in our blog! Maybe we've inspired some of you to visit NZ someday - it really is an amazing country.
Angie, we admire your courage in taking that 'visit' one step further and actually emigrating! And we're so happy for you now that everything is working out so well. You have a lovely home - and husband!
Love M, R and J xx
- comments
Bobsie Typical !!......just as we get our computer back, you all decide to come home!! seriously tho', glad you're all back safely and had a great I'll have to catch up on all the blogs I've missed while the computer has been ill!! Hope you all have a good, long sleep!... speak soon xx
Paul Glad to hear you're back safely! I followed your flights on the internet and was pleased to see they were on time! We have so enjoyed your blogs, will miss them now! Looking forward to seeing some pictures! Did you try and stay awake till normal bedtime today? NZ definitely on the 'things to do in retirement' list!! Take care, have a quiet unwinding day tomorrow, love Paul & Ros xx
Paul PS How's Bernie? ! P x
Mary Hi Bobsie! Glad you're connected again! Pleased to report that I just had a very good sleep, from about 10.00 till 6.30 when the heating coming on woke me up! I just about stayed awake till proper bedtime last night , Paul, although I did drop off momentarily in a game of Scrabble with Rob and Becky! Rod had a couple of hours sleep in the early evening and was awake from 5.30ish this morning. We'll have to see how the next few days go....... I'll try and ring you today from Rod's mobile (free!) as our landline is ridiculously crackly - we think it got snow in it, as has happened before. I think Bernie got a bit squashed on the way home but I'm sure John's looking after him! xxx