today up early - big breakfast uncle adie made, rae had chilly con conre on toast, then we went for a walk along the napier habour got to see where people brought fish in from the sea and sell, really cool. then we came back had a cup of tea- got the dogs together and went for a drive down to ocean beach, had a lovely walk along the beach with the dogs- they liked the water for the first 5 mins then didnt like it anymore- they had a nice walk playing in the sand. running up and down the front, really fun, rae rapped herself in the towel as she was cold, dog got a little sick on the drive, uncle adie was trying to get rae in water- she was screaming cuddling auntie rita. lol was really funny.
Headed back to car drove back to aunite ritas had cup of tea and a tim tam yummy, then got the bikes out and went for a bike ride round the napier front and stoped at a pub had a drink biked ride back, rae backside was hurting, but she did good, then we got ready and dressed and went out for the night for a meal,
Aunite rita and unacle adie treated us to a meal we had steak rib comobo yummt then we had the biggest dessert going,, had a few laughts at the tables u know what the gang can be like, stacey stayed at home so it was just me rae jade rita and adie, was good fun, looked at the fountain on the way back got back had cup tea- adie and rita fell alseep so we kicked them into bed- jade went out with richard- me rae watched tele for a while then off to bed we went, our room was really warm but nice. soo night night x good and busy day today
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