got up had breakfast finally already bout 12ish- walked to sky tower got to the very top and had a good look at the sights- pretty amazing- then me and nic decided to upgrade our tickets for $40 to we could do the sky walk around the outside of the buidling at the very top- pretty amazing we had to wear a sky suit as you can see by photos very attractive, then we had to be tied up walking around the outside as the buidling moves round every hour and it shakes- pretty amazing had a great tour guide too, soo learned lots, while we was doing this tour- rae had a hot chocolate downstairs ateast se came up and saw the views- pretty amazed as the sky tower was untop of a loads of shops, then we stoped for some lunch while we was waiting fo the oz treck- we ended up going in this room and waiting tele and the chairs and that moved like a rollar coaster got rae on it was quiet funny as she screamed the whole time- was quiet fun- hedaed back to hostel about 5ish after the day out then got dressed up a little as we went on a pub crawl called the route 69- got given free t shirt and free alchol- which is good- only thing was we didnt get our free photo, the tops looked pretty cool those, had a good night meet loads of people- bus we was trveling around on was pretty kool. music up loud and dancing around, bit dangrous but fun, got home bout4am then finally hit the pillow bout 6ish as on net for a while as head was spinning,
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