So san, G'Day, Kia Ora, Bula, Aloha & Hello
Yes, I have returned!
4,725 pictures better off, countless stories and experiences, and a new look on life.
It may have cost me the best part of all my money but you Only Live Once... right?
I have never experienced anything similar to a Round the World Trip before. I really got to appreciate the world and understand that it's much larger and more diverse than the majority think. I have managed to find so many life-long friends & memories along the way in what can only be described as a trip of a lifetime.
Without doubt the best continent I got to travel round was Australasia.
With the combined atmosphere, landscape, night-life and adventure that Australia, New Zealand and Fiji had to offer, you cannot beat it on the fun factor.
New Zealand was the best part of the trip. Backpacking around the country with Kiwi Experience (find more at ) added a whole lot more to the time I had there. I managed to experience so much within a month that I felt I'd witnessed the real New Zealand. It is the Adventure Capital of the World and is now one of my all time favourite places on Earth.
Australia is very close behind; the only thing that was missing was the constant social aspect. Driving for 7,500 kms with only two in the car can become a little testing, but I'm glad to say that both Jon and myself managed it with a valiant effort, and a little help from the wonders of Oz. Yes, the East Coast is very commercialised. But it seemed to resemble a mixed Utopia of chilled-out London-esque cities by the sea, beautiful vast landscapes and offshore islands, and small towns that look like they've drifted over from the Southern United States. These all contribute to the many different experiences I'll remember from Australia. It is an awesome wilderness crossed with a 'no worries' laid back ethos addicted to sun, surf and sand. It was truly Awesome.
This then brings us to Fiji. With only 4 full days to take-in what the country had to offer, I was limited on my choice of trip. Opting for another Experience company tour, Feejee Experience, meant that I could make the most of my time on one of the Big Islands, Viti Levu. Add to that the true adventure. From being taken down an side-alley to buy some jewellery, to one of our own getting lost in the Rainforest for 15 hours, a Feejee Experience it truly was. If I ever returned to the lands of Fiji again, I'd be more enclined to go to the offshore islands and enjoy the adventure of Relaxing on Fiji-time.
Hong Kong was a new experience for me as I'd never been to Asia. Although I probably wouldn't return out of choice, especially as a backpacker, I'm glad I got the chance to go. It allowed for some incredible photography and acclimatised us to the Hot end of the weather scale. The whole country is practically one big city, built up to the sky and filled with millions of people from a completely different, Eastern, culture. It was an experience I'm glad we started the trip with, plus you get $15 HKD to the £1 over there!
The USA which incorporates the last two stops on the itinerary, Hawaii and San Francisco were lacking a lot on many fronts. Despite the beautiful first impressions of Honolulu, Oahu really didn't have much to offer backpackers. San Francisco managed to entertain for a while with the all American Diners, Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz, but the novelty soon wore off and we were just waiting to return home for the last few days. It probably would have been better if there were more of us travelling however there is only so much you can hack of the American way of life. Still, it was an experience all the same and It was worth stopping over at these two states to get an idea of what they're like.
The only true negative of such a trip is the frustrating aspect of life known as time. The past 3.5 Months have flown by so fast that a lot of the travelling memories have all blended together. It is for this reason that I'm glad I kept a journal, although it's still going to be a mission to try and identify where all of the pictures were taken. The journal has not only let me record my overall progress, but has also helped me communicate with everyone back home as well as others I have met during the trip.
But now it's back to the grind...
Of course there is a lot of partying to do before 2007. So this year, I'll be sure to make the most of it!
Thanks again to Everyone for all of your comments and suggestions.
You've all been involved in one of the best events of my life.
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