Hello Both, missing your witty emails Richard, but thoroughly enjoying the 'slide show'
keep up the good work, but above all.....enjoy!
Richard & Jill
SNOW! Wow - would like some down here please! Thanks for the new messages - missing you all to but hey, we're only an e-mail or logon away!! Phuket here we come, sleep on all Europeans!! FG thanks for the hugs - love you all - R & J xx
Favourite Grandaughter
Hello grandma and grandad just got back from dads and have been having hugs from toby[jens sisters baby]just sending hugs as requested. missing you lots wuv you xxxxxxxxx
Wow - it all looks wonderful. So much gold and towers. I hope you are capturing the smells into the memory banks. That's the only thing this system isn't letting us partake in.
No huge news here. Snow has just about gone now. Richard was going to go out on the taboggan, but too much had gone before he had chance to get out. Carry on with your fun!!
Hi Mum Hi Dad great photo's! Hols at Hutch's so will get her to log on tonight to see where you've been and to send some
hugs. Got up to snow here this morn bit of a shock! Calm down mum not enough to get excited about hills still covered
but none on ground. Missing you loads. x x x x x x
Richard & Jill
David, OH NO SHE WON'T! Colin, good to hear from you, GBY2 - miss the chats, see loads of new coaches but they're not better than what you sell! Johan, thanks for the message, good to have Belgians join us on the trip! Hollie, where's my hug? Lena, take care, hope things are not too fraught. The rest of you - lots of love and a big hug! See postcards and photos for more info. It's 7.00 am on OUR Sunday and we're off to the Grand Temple in Bangkok - to enjoy HOT worship, no doubt!
Looks like Jill has got herself sorted out with Cheung! You'd better watch out or she'll be off with a slimmer man! Looks like you're having a great time. enjoy!
It's Friday, so I thought I had better get in touch. God Bless. Colin
Johan Vsch
Hardly know what to say, but certainly wishing you all the best ! I am sure you will have a great time, in a great country (so I have heard). The industry will miss you, but you probably won't ...... whatever ! Enjoy the Holden wrecks and Boiling Diesels !
Excellent photos - Please can Jill wear tonight the mystery purchase from the happy salesman, so we can see what it is? Thxs. Have a good meal, and I look forward to more photos tomorrow.
Richard & Jill
Thanks foir the new messages - your ideas helped, Tom, and we're gradually working through them. Went PAST the race course today; may not have time to do it more justice! Nice to hear from the rest of you, especially favourite granddaughter. Last day in HK tomorrow so off to get a meal and another good night's kip! Love to you all, R&J xx
Favourite Grandaughter
Hello Grandma + Grandma hope you are having a good time even though you have only realy just got there!!! Just checkin out your website. Have looked at the photos. Will email soon. wuv you from Hollie xxxx