Noy's 4th Walkabout
Just one of MANY stunning pagodas, temples and shrines,all within the complex called "The Royal Palace" in Bangkok. We have returned for a breather before embarking on a night of entertainment "Thai style" when, hopefully, we'll learn a bit more about this amzing country. Sure, it's hot, sweaty, smelly and has a lot of squaloir but the people are respectful, proud of their heritage and want to please you. Our guide for the day (see photos) was called Sarawan (though I think that's his surname!) - he was really entertaining loves his king and country to bits - oh that more English people did. We stand to attention in all public places at 6 p.m. for the National Anthem - maybe we should start doing that as well! That's all for now and, since we're travelling to Phuket for some R&R, maybe it'll be a couple more days before we update this site again. Best wishes from us both, R & J xx
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