Sunday 30th June
The tour finished yesterda,y so we spent most of today with Jeremy, a fellow traveler. After attending the Armenian church just near our hotel & listening to the fine singing & chanting of the various priests, we went to the State History Museum of Armenia, which has exhibits dating from pre-history to the present day. Some of the most arresting exhibits were 2 carts found in burial mounds of a wealthy people from the 15th Century BC, the solid wooden wheels of which were very cleverly assembled. The museum was quite extensive but unfortunately, we really couldn't do it justice.
After dinner at the local Book Cafe we headed for the Airport at midnight for the 3am flight to Doha.
We farewelled Jeremy in Doha, where he only had a short stopover before his flight to Canberra, whereas we had to wait until our 2am flight on the 2nd July.
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