Nosheen's travels
Hello there!
Thanks for all your messages on my board - makes me look very popular indeed!. Mum, dad missing you loads, and well done Zofeen - told you you would be fine!. Hello to all my special lady friends at home -missing you so much!
EXTREME SPORTS FOR ME!..... went on a shootover jet boat yesterday on a river in Queenstown, It was brilliant! the boat only needed 2 inches of water to travel on so we were surfing the rocks aswel!. Went through loads of canyons and the dude driving was spinning us 360% between 2 canyons in VERY limited space!. Screams all round!. I lifted out of my seat at one point which was a tad scary (but obviously not for me cause im the bravest!). Got some photos i''l load on laters. It was only after the ride we found out that the company had closed for 2 weeks late last year as they has a couple of rock smashing accidents! ( hmmm- not sure i would have gone through with it if i'd known that one!) It was well worth it though.
Had a proper night out here too which was a giggle! nikki dropped her pizza on the floor and a managed to spin a lemon and hit someones leg! (whoops!) - continued with lots of silly stage dancing and attempting to roll back UP a hill to our hostel.
Take care all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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