I know I am an experienced packer, but this is a challenge! How do I get all this in that small backpack. Which really isn't all that small when slung over your shoulders! Am I getting too old for all this?? Yep! Nah! It's all in the mind so they say. So onward and upward and start getting the really important stuff packed! Wine, chocolates, bikkies ......
Gotta get with the program and forget about all those things that are apparently bad for you. So, I have got goose down jacket for the icy peak of Kilimanjaro, long john thermals, insulated pants, no cold or wind to get through my clothing. Balaclava, woolly hat, possum and merino socks, gloves etc. Good kiwi gear, Icebreaker and the like.
Lots of training to get my legs back to strength and get the titanium knee working at peak efficiency without pain! All going good, thanks to my physio who is super handy with long accupuncture needles, and my pilates instructor who know exactly how to deal with my decrepid ageing bod!
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