Lou & Nev Travels
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Kathmandu, Nepal

New blog entry posted
Lhasa, China
Lynn and Geoff Hi Louise and Nev, We have just returned from our Thailand trip which was very relaxing and are now enjoying reading about your trip so far. Sounds like hard work to me and Geoff, but we know you guys are glutens for punishment (total admiration for you both)!!! Hope the rest of the trip runs smoothly and will enjoy reading more updates as they occur.

New blog entry posted
Chengguan, China

New blog entry posted
Chengguan, China
Robyn Clark Hey, sounds great, loved the picture the description of the yak tent on Everest gave me - that' where we had anarchy in the ranks and ended up in the lesser of the two lodges. Sounds like it has all worked out and been a great experience. Happy walking, Robyn
re: TibetTim Gray Fantastic journey and blog Louise and Nev! Well done, look forward to seeing the pictures.
re: TibetKarrie loving your blog - hope to catch up with stories and photos.
re: back on the road China Tibet and NepalKay Haarsma Just caught up on your blog - you are giving me itchy feet. All sounds great - doing things yourself is often more hassle but more fun in retrospect.
re: TibetLynn and Geoff Hi Louise and Nev, We have just returned from our Thailand trip which was very relaxing and are now enjoying reading about your trip so far. Sounds like hard work to me and Geoff, but we know you guys are glutens for punishment (total admiration for you both)!!! Hope the rest of the trip runs smoothly and will enjoy reading more updates as they occur.
re: Lhasa, ChinaRobyn Clark Just as well it was your bum on the seat, Neville wouldn't have been able to stand it for that long in one place and you would have lost him for good. Rest sounds great tho, Love Robyn
re: PingyaoJenny and Rod wow! thanks for the lessons we have learned, and we are sure now that we don't ever want to go to China. may your beds be comfortable from here on and let the adventures roll..
re: Beijing and DatongJenny great to hear you are there and doing it. time for another form of transport perhaps :)
re: Pingyao- last visited

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Louise has not added a travel plan yet
Tim Gray Fantastic journey and blog Louise and Nev! Well done, look forward to seeing the pictures.
Aaron Sounds amazing, well worth the effort getting there by the sounds of it!
Robyn Clark Hey, sounds great, loved the picture the description of the yak tent on Everest gave me - that' where we had anarchy in the ranks and ended up in the lesser of the two lodges. Sounds like it has all worked out and been a great experience. Happy walking, Robyn