Ok, I'm really sorry that I haven't written in ages but when I do end up doing something exciting I'm either knackered or drunk afterwards and then when I get on the internet again the moment has passed and it takes too much effort to try and remember what I did!! Haha!! You have no idea how hard my life is!!
Right I better get you up to date before I tell you about todays crazy adventure (and please don't tell nan what I did!)
So I spent 2 days of pool training in Cairns for my Padi course. I had a really cool group of people, 3 out of 6 were from Manchester so we all got on really well. We had to watch a lot of videos and do exams to prove we knew all the information but the room was air conditionned and there was unlimited tea and biscuits so I was in my element!
After lunch on the first day they made us swim 16 lengths without stopping which actually nearly killed me and then we had to tread water for 10 mins to prove that we were fit enough for the course which freaked me out because I obviously wasn't fit enough!! After that we started learning all about the gear and how to set it up and then had to start all the scary training like taking off your mask under water and throwing your mouth piece away and then trying to get it back in without dying. Its all pretty useful stuff!!
After 2 days of that we started our boat trip which was on a really fancy boat and everyone was in little bedrooms. The boat trip basically involved diving, eating, diving, eating, diving, eating, eating some more and diving...The food was amazing and if we weren't having a proper meal then the chef would have cooked us a huge cake. It was amazing how she was managing to cook for about 50 people in the smallest kitchen ever seen.
It definitely wasn't a party boat and most of the time we were in bed for 9pm because we were exhausted. The first day we did 2 dives where we had to practice the skills again and just get used to being in the sea rather than a 4 metre swimming pool. Then on the second day we did another 2 dives and after that we were fully qualified scuba divers which freaked us all out a bit. After that they just sent us down on our own which was scary at first but then we loved it.
We had to be in buddy pairs and my buddy was Paola from Brazil. It was good because we trusted each other not to leave the other one alone and so we had some really good dives. We had to use a compass under water to find the boat and the first time we did it we found the boat perfectly. Our second dive was awful and we were about a mile away form the boat with no air left so we had to put our arms up to signal that we needed picking up in the boat of shame!! It was very embarrassing and all the instructors were amazed that we had managed to get that far away without running out of air earlier!!
On the second day we did a night dive in the middle of a huge strom which was absolutley terrifiying and I hated every miute of it! Paola had a problem with her dive jacket and we got left behind because the guide wasn;t checking we were with him so I just cried until they came back to get us! Then I got back on the boat and was sick and cried some more, never again!!
On the last morning we had already done 3 dives my 11am and then we headed back to Cairns. I had been sea sick for most of the trip but I had an amazing time and would recommend it to everyone. I'd hired a really cool underwater camera as well so managed to get pictures of a shark and lots of nemos. I saw a turtle on my first dive but we weren't allowed cameras then so I didn't get the chance to take a photo!
That night we all went out for a meal and then I met up with Matt (my friend from New Zealand) and it turns out he was staying at my hostel in the room next door which was weird. The next morning I was really happy to leave Cairns because it was so humid and I flew to Sydney.
On the first night there I went out with some people that I had met in Australia at christmas and we went out for dinner. Steve works in Syndye for MTV so took us to this really fancy bar that Kanye West had been in the night before. It was shockingly expensive so I'll avoid meeting up with him again!!
I had really nice people in my room so I went out with them quite a lot and decided that I actually loved Sydney. I spent a fortune on going out though which was really bad! One night I went out with this girl from my room and about 3 hours into the night we realsied that we had actually already been on a night out together in Melbourne and that we had a picture together on our cameras! That was really random!
On 24th I left Sydney and flew to Fiji. I arrived here and it was raining but the weather in Sydney was perfect so I was pretty gutted!! The place that I'm staying is really nice but pretty expensive and the beaches on the mainland aren't very impressive compared to Thailand. I need to go to the islands really but it costs a lot to get there and the accommodation is really expensive so I think I'm just going to make the most of the mainland and then do Fiji again when I'm rich and old!!
The weather for the first 2 days was pretty bad but now it is gorgeous during the day with lots of rain at night. Its supposed to be a hostel but its really fancy and has lovely food. Fiji is pretty deserted and run down so there aren't any shops anywhere. I went to try and find some pasta the other day and all the shops I could find were behind bars and you have to ask for everything. The bag of pasta I bought looks about 10 years old!
The people in Fiji are amazing though and really friendly. Even though everything looks so basic and rundown they are never begging for money or anything which is a change from Thailand. When I arrived at the airport they were playing guitars and singing which was lovely!! I felt in a real holiday mood then! I'm not used to just chilling out anymore because I have been constantly busy for months so it has taken me 4 days to actually be comfortable with just lying around and chilling out! I have been trying to find a new challenge for my trip now because I have done most of the things that I set out to do then I heard about the shark feeding that they do here.....
There were 4 other divers on the trip and they were all really experienced so went zooming down to 28metres but I couldn't get my ears to pop and was left all alone with the baby sharks. Then one of the Fijian guys came down with me and held my hand so I was much happier. He led me over to this rope where we were all in a line and they opened a wheelie bin and started getting the fish out and the sharks arrived. They were absolutely massive, about 3 metres long and really fat. There was also millions of massive fish everywhere. It was soooo weird. Then they took us over one by one and we could stroke one of the sharks, It was totally mad!!
After that we had to sit on the boat for an hour and then went down and did another dive. There was a HUGE tiger shark on the second dive which are the scary ones because they can't predict how they'll react but it was fine. The reef here has a million more fish than the reef in Oz, it was quite scary because the fish were right in your face!
So that is my adventure up to date. I'm in Fiji until the 9th which is too long for me and I can't wait to get back to a city where there is phone signal and shops! I can;t handle beach life anymore, I don't know what has happened to me. I'm going to get a bus to the nearest 'city' tomorrow so i can have a look around a few shops.
After that I'm in Sydney for a week to sort out my visas for India and China, then I'm flying to Singapore and starting my SE Asia tour. I can't wait! I was talking to this girl last night about not wanting to travel alone in Inida and she told me about this company called Intrepid that I can do a 3 week tour of India with for 400pounds so I think that'll definitely be worth the money and will make me MUCH happier about travelling there. I'm planning on getting home in August now and I should have the exact date in a week or two so I'll let you know!
Sorry that this is sooooo long, I will try to be shorter and more regular from now on. Missing you all xxx
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