On My Nelly in Windy Welly!
As you can see I am getting a bit lax on the old journal entries, sorry anyone who is still reading!!
The reason is that I have been in the ED (thats' what an elective is remember, not all about jumping out of planes!) In a PMS style reflection; I really have enjoyed my placement here. I have met some wonderful people who work in the ED as well as amazing patients who are so understanding and keen for me to learn from them. As the weeks have gone on my responsibilites have increased and I have actually managed to complete lots of practical procedures which has allowed me to grow in confidence. I was anxious that I would start my house jobs in August all fingers and thumbs with no choice but having to get on with it because I hadn't had enough practical exposure. This placement has been a fulfilling experience and I was so sad to leave last Friday. I stayed as late as they would let me stay prolonging the inevitable, leaving. On the plus side they have said that I can go back whenever I like during this next 4 weeks (my O&G rotation) which means a lot. It means that I managed to make a good impression. My lead consultant told me that I had demonstrated the best attendence and enthusiasm to date!! I always thought that this specialty would be the one for me but with no particular length of time spent in A&E in the UK it was difficult for me to say more definitively that I would be happy there. I now know, I would, maybe not forever but certainly until I feel old enough to be a GP!! So rather than finding myself as lots of people I've met claim to have done on their elective, so far I have just managed to get a little closer to experiencing the career path I wish to follow. Besides, I already knew who I was.
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