Not sure why I am calling this PCH as we didn´t exactly see much of the Pacific Coast Highway due to a severe landslide that has closed most of the Big Sur for weeks now.
Anyway I digress. We left sunny SF and picked up our new car. Not as exciting as the jeep but at least it was a bit smaller and less terrifying for Sandra. We drove for about 2hrs and headed straight for Santa Cruz (it is allowed and even obligatory to think of the Thrills song right now). Santa Cruz wasn´t as I was expecting. I was thinking lush beaches with tanned and skinny people wandering aimlessly along the slighlty sandy boardwalk. Instead I was faced with a slightly sunnier version of South Parade Pier. Okay It wasn´t that bad but I was thinking it would be better. However at this point I was about ready to cry with the pain in my head. And while Sandra and Katie relived their youth riding the roller coaster, I made a rather expensive phone call home to the voice of reason (my ma) who told me to get my arse to the doctors immediately. So as a very obedient daughter that I am, we found a doctors, was scrutinised by the nurse and was told off as I didn´t know what kind of cancer my grandparents had. All the while I was screaming "give me the antibiotics". Anyway $300 later and I was given a 10 dose.
We headed to San Luis Obispo that night as a stop off (I pretty much slept the whole way). SLO was really lovely and quaint. The hostel was nice and the desk guy even made me some cider, vinegar thing to help me feel better. All was good apart from the fat snorer (old bint from Seattle, Washington) who kept me awake all night.
Next day (Sandra´s bday) and we headed south further towards Santa Barbara, stopping off in Los Olivos for some wine tasting. So while Sandra and Katie sampled the delights of some of California´s finest wine in the smallest tasting room in the world, I slept on the outside decking listening to the water from the fountain - so rock and roll. We then headed to Santa Barbara and headed towards the beach. I even asked someone which way the beach was and was almost tempted to flex my muscles to copy the way she had suggested (Em and Ali, you´ll get what I mean. Actually just Em as I doubt Mr Farmer is even reading this - sob). We found a nice restaurant at the end of the pier and all proceeded to order 3 pounds worth of crab (see photos). It seemed like a good idea at the time and I almost finished it all. It was yummy but I cannot even look at crab at the moment; or ever again.
That night I drove to an motel near LAX as Sandra needed to get her flight the next day; well at 6am so decided this was for the best. So that was pretty much the PCH. Still felt pretty s*** and had plegm galore - lovely huh!
Next stop: San Diego.
- comments
Em You, the obedient daughter?! You must've been sick!
Em You, the obedient daughter?! You must've been sick! Oh, and which way was the beach?!