Howdy Y'all
So, from Nashville we had a short four hour trip to Memphis! We stayed at Graceland campsite. After a wet morning in Nashville we were happy to have some sunshine! We arrived at the camp s***e at about 2pm. I had a quick phone call home as we had been travelling for a week at this point! We set up our tents and let the dry out before heading into Memphis town.
Our first stop was Sun Studios, this was the recording studio's that claims to be the birthplace of rock and roll, were acts like Elvis, Jonny cash and BB King and of course the Million dollar Quartet. We had a short tour around and it was really interesting, finding out about all the acts and how the music changed over a short period of time. The tour was only $10 so was well worth it. Plus the shop did really good choc milkshakes.
After that we went on a trolly (tram) ride to see more of memphis. The driver was a lovely old man who told us lots of crazy facts about bulidings and the history of the city. Even felt the need to point out the loaction of memphis' first telephone hehe. The trolly ride went right near the water front and the sun was just going down so it was picture perfect.
By this time the group was getting hungry so we went to BB Kings bbq house. Ben and I both had the BBQ ribs and chicken.. and all i can say is WOW!!!! The ribs were amazing, the meat so sooo tender and the sauce was incredible. I think that Ben was a very happy boy at this time. We also tried the deep fried pickles... and again they were amazng, and i am just telling myself they have no fat in them hehe.
After a good meal we headed down the main street. The police block it off so street performers can come out and they allow you to take drinks onto the road. We went to a few live music bars and into some of the Elvis gift shops, but it was getting late annd we had all had a long day so after some Evlis style dancing we went back to the campsite and snuggled into our tents.. knowing thay we would have to be up at 5 am the next day!!
We woke at five and got the site packed up and had some food ready for 7am. We walked from our site to graceland (Elvis' memphis home) from 7.15 till 8 they allow you to walk around the grounds and see it grave site without having to pay the $30 fee. The grounds were amazing and so peacful The house wasnt as big as we thought it was going to be but it was still very grand. All of his family are burried there and it was such a nice location. Shame we couldnt see inside the house but we had to go back to our camp site for a very long drive to New Orleans!!
From Memphis with Love
Nikki and Ben
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