Foster's Tour
Broom - Darwin (part 2)
Ok so after waking up at 4:30 arrgghh in the fricking morning, we set off on a long days traveling (just about getting used to this) This time it was Andrea's turn to sit in the front and answer quick fire questions from Greg. Every one in the back were getting along better and better as each day went by, i was even starting to learn French from magali and renoud.
We stopped off in a few places seeing just a few highlights such as other gorges, but Greg wanted us to get as near to the next camp site as possible. Along to way me and Magali weer sat at the back of the 4x4 falling asleep with our heads against the back windows when like a shot, a stone from the gravel road re-bounded off the back traylor and smashed against Magali's window. The glass shattered everywhere, we had to samsh the rest of it out and drive on, as we were in the middel of knowhere (as usual) we had to drive a while b4 we could get to a gas station, where Greg could patch it up with cardboard, while he did this we all just played Frizbe. Later that night we found some were to set up camp and enjoyed another meal cooked my Greg. After that i tought every one how to play Mafia (the game we used to play in Thailand) and as usual it went down a storm, it has to be one of the best games ever invented (thanks Jenny M).
In the morning we had what felt like a sleep in getting up at 6:00am and no lie we were all smiles and well happy it was so late, this day was alot like the last, plenty of driving and slight sight seeing, stopping off at gorges and skimming stones !! That night we played more Mafia with the promise of some thing special the next day from Greg. We woke up about 5:00 and set off to a place called Zebadee hot springs, and ohhhh my word it was a treat. It was about a 10 min walk from the main track but when you get there its a kind of water fall, but not a steep one with lots a small pond shaped area where you could fit either one person or 15 people. It was soo hot and soo nice and the nearest thig we had got to a bath or a shower. We stayed there for at least 2 hours, with no one wanting to get out. After that we visited some more waterfalls and gorges with me and sam doing a spot of rock jumping (not too high mum !!) After all that fun we set off to get as close to the Bungle Bungle's as possible (Oz national park, and strange rock formations).
Time running out so there will have to be a part 3, hope every one is well, email soon
nik xx
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