Hi All, Before I tell you about India I better tell you how my last few days in South Africa were I visited the Kruger Park and did a Safary it was good spent one day and one night there camped out with the animals all around us luckily I didnt get eaten by a lion lol. Saw four of the big five only thing didnt see was the leopard they are very hard to find perhaps they had gone on holiday to somewhere warmer. After Kruger I went to the big city Joberg where everyone says not to go as very dangerous well it wasnt that bad I spent a day in joberg and thought it was cool didnt get mugged like people say happens. I stayed in a suberb called Sowetto this is a very poor township and most people here have no facilities visited the locals and went in the house of one it was very sad to see there was 9 people living in 2 rooms with only 2 beds and no running water or a kitchen. I did a bike ride tour of Sowetto and saw some interesting sites includeing Nelson Mandellas 1st house and the Hectar Peterson Memorial (this is a memorial place showing all the young people that were shot dead in 1976 fighting for freedom etc)..... INDIA Well I reached India Sunday and oh my god what a difference to South Africa. Its very busy here in Mumbai and god these people need to know how to drive been here less than 24 hours and Ive nearly been ran over 30 times lol. Tuc Tucs everywhere and no traffic rules they drive how they like and where they like. Im staying in a nice hotel they didnt seem to have any hostels here but its nice to have a double bed and my own bathroom not so sure about the pipe in the toilet to wash my bum though they dont use paper here lol. At least Ive got air conditioning as its needed it is about 30 degrees here and very humid. It cost me 1500 rupees in the end for my room per night that is after bartering them down as it started at 2400 you know me I like to save the pennies. its 82 rupees to the pound so you can do the sums. Food is very cheap I had a Vege Thali last night this is about 4 different curries with rice and Roti and 2 bottles of water total cost was 74 rupees, I left them a tip of 6 rupees Im so kind ah so thats about a quid for a meal in a resturant. If I decide to eat from the street stalls will probably cost me about 50p but I will let my stomach get aquanted to the foods here first. I got a train into city today was on it about 45 mins and it cost me 7p. Im sure when I leave the big citys and get to smaller places it will get even cheaper. Think Im gonna go spend some time in Goa in few days I feel like I need to relax by a swimming pool etc. Oh its a hard life ah hope your all enjoying work. Sorry for no updated pictures Im trying but Im crap with computers and It takes ages to try and upload them. WELL IF U WANT TO PHONE ME WHILE IM IN INDIA MY NO IS 00919819957033 that will get straight through to me. And if you buy a phone card for 5 pound you will get over 100 minutes to talk. If your not sure which one to get just go into a shop that sells them and say you want to dial a Indian mobile most corner shops in Leicester/ Nottm sell them and you will get good deal after all Leicester is little India as you all know. Another way is log on to or and put in that your dialling India from your land line this will give you a no to dial through and it should only cost you about 1p or 2p a minute so no excuses!! Oh the locals kep giving me funny looks I think they not sen white people before unless its my good looks and they think im hot lol. Right I cant think off much more to say at the moment so keep well and I will hopefully speak with some of you soon Lots of Love to you all Nigella xxxx
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