Hi all time for a update, Well I was in Khatmandu but got sick with food poisoning so I never made the flight to Mount Everest. I took the bus from Khatmandu to a place also in Nepal called Pokhara i stayed there for about 1 week it was beutifull as the place was surrounded by the mountains and a really nice lake. I then took a bus for 10 hours back to the India border and then a train for 23 hours to Kalcutta which was a shock after the peace and tranquility of Nepal as India is a crazy place. Kalcutta is one of the dirtiest places I have seen in India and there is so many poor peole living on the streets I saw whole familys with little babys that had nothing just the street to call there home with a piece of plastic as shelter very sad we just don't know how lucky we are in England with all the mod cons and nice homes. I worked at the Mother Theresa charity doing Volunteer work for 2 days at a childrens orphangage it was a real eye opener those poor children have nothing bless em also many of them were disabled with very bad limbs. I also worked in a home for the sick and dying I only did one afternoon as this place was very sad to see I know we call the NHS but its better than what they have here. I canot begin to describe that experience but Im glad I went it really makes you realise. I've decided that after this year trip I would like to come back to Calcutta and volunteer for few months maybe I can round up some of my friends to come and do it to will just have to think of a way to raise some funds to pay for the accomodation so if any of you have any Ideas and fancy doing it next year with me let me know....
Well today is the 15th of October and I arrived In Bangladesh Dhaka yesterday I am staying with a nice guy I met in India while travelling its really nice to be out of guest houses for a bit and have a bit of luxury. Im prob gonna stay here for 2 weeks as we are planning a trip to the Sunderbands this is where the worlds famous Bengali tigers hang out so its dangerous but I'm sure they wont eat me as there is nothing on me and I wouldn't be much of a meal for them I have lost 10kg since leaving England. I cant beleive Im now into the 4th month of travelling already time goes so fast when your having fun. Well im missing my mates at home but Im sure we will have a big party when I get back and I will be able to bore you all with my thousands of photos. I have a new mobile no in Bangladesh it is +8801715025548 so if any of you wanna chat it would be good to hear from you all. Well I think I have wrote enough for now so I will go and upload some pictures for you all. Love lots Nigel xxxx
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