It was another grey and rainy day in London. We spent today exploring London on a double decker bus...Picadilly Circus, Tower Bridge Trafalger Square etc.
We took a break from sightseeing and did some shopping on Oxford and Carnaby Streets. I didn't leave empty handed, Heather on the other hand has some catching up to do!
After wandering around in London trying to find a pub with an empty table for supper we decided heading back towards our hotel was a better idea...wrong...lesson learned the hard way, pubs stop serving food after 8pm!! Dinner tonight was pizza, not quite the British pub meal we were looking for. We decided on our walk back to the hotel to check out a couple pubs along the way for a drink...we made some interesting new friends, had a few laughs and even got a free drink!
Another successful day!! Off to Paris in the morning!
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