We started our morning off with a nature walk...and we all know how much I love nature...we saw a lot of trees and occasionally a moving leaf which apparently meant there were some birds around! The cloud forest is beautiful but unfortunately the animals took this morning off, our guide was very informative though so we learned a lot about the trees and other plants. (in today's picture Amanda and I are very excited about all the trees!) as a grand finale we did see a millipede!
Luckily from there we headed off to get our adrenaline pumping, zip lining! It was a blast there were 12 zip lines in total, the longest one was 1km. They also had a Tarzan rope, which was really scary but so much fun. You walk to the end of a platform that is 60ft in the air, they hooked us up to a rope then you step off the edge and swing back and forth...I was the first to go in my group and I think the guy had to literally push me off the edge, the girls had a good laugh at me screaming! The last and longest zip line I went superman style, I was attached by my back and feet with my arms spread open and head first! It was so much fun! We figured it out and we think we were going approx 60km/hr
We had a BBQ tonight that was put on by Makena Ranch, it's a family run ranch. They cooked us an amazing dinner: chicken, steak, pork, corn and the list goes on. They also had a member of their family do a traditional dance. When it came time for audience participation Karen was the lucky girl who had to dance with the 'bull'
After almost blowing away in Monteverde we are off to Manual Antonio in the morning for some beach time!
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