It doesn't matter what the thermometer says ... I'll bet the heat of your reunion, Mendo and Pickles, is sizzling!!
Love Mumsy
Marcella Murace
Hi Nic,
Well, by my calculation (it's probably wrong!!!!!!!!) you are leaving Sydney today?! Finally, after being apart for 2 months, you will be united with Mendo! Once again, have a great trip and enjoy travelling all over India. What a great experience. I shall see you in 2009 in Spain.
Northern Yako's
Don't feel nervous or anxious, you'll be fine adjusting to a new lifestyle. You are an old hag at travelling to new places and having new adventures. Everyone will love you as we do. We're still disappointed that you didn't come and see us before you left!! nah, only joking, we understand. The kids pass their kisses and cuddles to uncle mango. We wish you all the best over there, but don't stay too long - it's too far to visit at this stage of our life. We love you lots, take care. Hugs & kisses, Matt, Kate, Nikko & Kira xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx keep smiling