Like the photos.
You must be getting very fit with all this exercise at high altitude.
love mum xxx
Hi Darling,
Hope you are taking the malarone! Bites are no fun.
Still, all you are doing sounds brilliant . I think you made a good choice.
Except perhaps the pirahnas!
We are all loving the Journal. So good to keep in touch.
Haven't got any further on the holiday yet. Will try again at the weekend.
It's funny. Sometimes it seems ages since we saw you off and other times it feels really close.
Take care and enjoy.
Lots of love
mum xxx
Nice to hear from you, hope your enjoying the journal. I have nt been able to keep it as detailed as i would like but i think i´m getting most things up there in the limited time i can find to use a computer. Taking lots of nice photos and considering buying another memory stick since they re prety cheap out here.
Today has been a month and I ve had a great time, times starting to fly and i ll be home before i know it im sure. Still i miss you all and do occasionally get a bit home sick. Some one should invent teleportation! Will keep you all posted, lots of love, nick x
Hi Nick
Jodie rang which was good. She has suggested taking Krystina for a ride which is really kind and very popular with K!
Been in London all day and Dad is in Milan so it is quiet here.
Love you
mum xxx
Nana And Grandad
Following your adventures with keen interest. You certainly seem to be involved in a wide range of enjoyable activities. Lots of love.
Fabulous photos Nick. Really enjoyed them.
Got some new photos up, enjoy! some funny ones of me joining in the samba on stage.
Hi Darling,
Sounds brilliant. I will definitely put those falls on my must visit list.
We have just been sitting at the Millstone in the sunshine but true to form the sunshine goes by the weekend!
Briony sends her love. She's back in Oxford.
We haven't got any further with the holiday yet but will keep you ( and Jodie informed)
I had fun yesterday doing a role play at a training session on ADHD with a group of police when I wore Bri's Kurt Cobain hoodie and a cap and played a teenage boy. Your mother as usual making a fool of herself but it was fun!
So pleased you are having such a good time and VERY glad you didn't fall out of the helicopter
Loads of love, mum xxxxx
Hi, having a great time in iguassu. Nice to here from you Anne, look forward to seeing you all soon. I[ll try and get some more photos uploaded but am having a little trouble here.
Mum was definately serious about coming on holiday with you but would like to know where etc. can Jodie come aswell. Her numbers xxxxxxxxxx, give her a ring and ask her about the holiday and whether it fits in with her summer plans. Hope everythings good at home. Rest assured im safe healthy and having a great time. lots of love, nick xxx
Hey Nick - great to see your photo's I've just got back from Atlanta - my neice lives there. Lovely to catch up with Bri - will look forwards to catching up with you later in the year. Until then take care. Lots of love Anne lots of love from everyone in Oxford.
Sounds good. You will be getting really fit soon.
Hope you got the money for the photo stick.
Not much news here. We are thinking about summer hols, probably from about August 9th ish. Were you serious about coming/ We think you might be spoilt by all the travels you are having!
Please could you email Jodie,s mobile numbe to me. Would just like to say hi to her (if you think it's a good idea!)
lots of love
Enjoy your trek. Remember Malarone.
It would be great if you could take a picture of the stars for me when the skies are really clear. To do this you have to support the camera on a rock or rucksack, set the exposure to 15-30 seconds and wait. That will be in program mode on the camera. The effect can be really good.
We won our first league match yesterday 6 -3.