Nicky and Ben's Travels
It has been a while since we have written anything, when you are paying by the minute for internet access the main priority is to get the photos online so you can take more. Are you bored with them yet?
This was a fantastic city it was relaxing with a fantastic vibe, the location of everything was within easy reach of our hostel. The hostel (Canadina Hostel) was fantastic, we met some really nice people there and the free pancakes were great. We did get acosted by those clipboardy types, where we could win tickets to a baseball game. We entered the competition which involved filling out your name and details of which courses at the local university you would be interested in and we won. In Toronto everyones a winner! We went to the game and it was fantastic Toronto Blue Jays vs New York Mets. Nicky now has a blue jays T-Shirt and is a convert to baseball! The CN tower was excellent (we seem to be in high buildings a lot recently!) The islands around Toronto were also cool, although I don't think we have any photos of us on the nudist beach! We seem to be doing really well with weather everywhere is hot and sunny. Anyway over to Nicky for the next bit of our trip...
Ok before I talk about Niagera falls again, I need to fill in the daft things that we did in Toronto, because, hey, where ever I am in the world I'm still gonna be doing something daft.
I was going to write the top 10 daftest things that we have done in America, to which I said, I bet we will have 100 by the time we get to Tahitti. I'm getting blonder you know with this sun.
Of course, the best thing was winning the tickets for the baseball match, but Ben forgets to mention that when we went for stand 11, he decides that we should be going right, because the stand signs were decending from 66 to 55 in front of us towards the right. I had to tell him that triangular signs for 5 or 6 do look like they say 55 and 66 when you look at them face on, and that we needed to go left to get to 11.
We still can't get a hang of these water fountains (we keep squirting the water up our nose instead of our mouths).
I had to visit American medical system. I stubbed my toe on the door of our hostel, decided to wear my sandals for the day around Toronto so my toe didn't scrape, and ended up giving myself tendonitus in my foot which is making me walk like a penguin.
Ok that was Toronto,
Back to Niagara Falls,
We did go on the Maid of the Mist. I thought I would get a close look of the falls with this ride, but no, I couldn't even keep my eyes open because the water was that heavy. We were given bin bags to wear, and I was thinking that I was safe from the splashing water, but ironically as soon as you go close to the waterfalls the wind gushes the
bag over your head so that the water gets you everywhere. It's like being in a waterfall, not beside it!!!
Our shoes were so wet we had to go home and stuf them with newspaper to soak up the waterfall (3 newpapers later they started to dry, which is good because I couldn't where sandals because of the tendonitus).
Journey to Las Vegas,
You would think this bit easy, but ..nooooo
We awoke to rain as heavy as Niagara Falls (great help drying out those shoes). Our first task was to get over the bridge from Canada to America. We walked with our rucksacks on our backs in the rain. Once we reached America, we found the bus stop towards Buffalo airport as stated in our guide to find our bus going past a different road and not ours (the book had stated the wrong road for this stop!!). After penguin running a short distance to catch the bus, Ben states "don't worry there is bound to be another bus soon". Well two whole hours later the next bus picks us up, lucky we left early for our plane flight.
We fly to New York to get our connecting flight to Las vegas (on different aisles because we were late checking in). When we get onto our plane to Las Vegas from New York, we are told that because of heavy storms in the centre of North America, we will need to fly to Canada and around the top of America, before landing in Las Vegas (this is where we spent all day comming from). The ride was the bumpiest I've ever been on (but at least the emergency exits weren't held together with gaffa tape like on the flight to Toronto).
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