Hey guys.
Yeah so...I've done nothing but drink for a couple of days. Had a night out in Vientiane with randoms which was awesome. Got smashed.
Me and Nancy got back to the dorm around 3am but I stayed up with her till 5am when she left for the airport...then I planned on sleeping for an hour and getting up at 6:30am for the bus.
...Naturally, I woke up at 9am. Still got to Vang Vieng on the local bus (bloody mental the speed which we were taking those corners, I was ready for us to tip of the edge any minute.)
Vang Vieng is cool. Lots of backpackers. Lots of activities. They have Friends and Family Guy bars where they just play the episodes all day and you can lay down, watch, eat, drink. So chilled out. So I watched Friends a bit that day because theres nothing else to do.
Yestarday I went tubing. For those who don't know what it is, you rent a rubber ring and float down a river. There are a lot of bars on the way who throw you sticks and ropes to pull you in (sometimes you float past if you get a bad current).
So its a pub crawl on water. The alcohol is cheap, good music, free shots, people playing sports. They have massive road swings where you swing and let go and go into the water.
I'm not a fan of heights or the water but I did the first one (the biggest), and jumping off that swing, maybe 20m high, was crazy. So I held on, and when I got to the highest point, let go - It was a long f***ing fall. But I hit the water OK, even though I forgot to breathe and shut my eyes, so I lost a contact lens.
Lots of people try to do tri8cks and hit the water badly. On the second one I let go just at the wrong time and landed on the water flat on my back. f*** me - it hurt like hell. I was ready for the pain though so it wasn't that bad, but I got winded and was in a strong current. So Shane, this Aussie guy, jumps in and drags me to the rope so I could pull myself out. Back was bright pink.
Stayed away from the jumps then and start tubing with these 5 people from Manchester. One girl got pushed as she was about to swing but wasn't holding on right so completely face planted it. So it was my time to play hero as I ran round and dragged her out.
Then it gets dark so we float down the river, but me and Bethan were left at the back and her friends drifted off and we couldn't get in their current. So she had to hold on to my t-shirt (she was so drunk and shouldnt have been there) and I had to paddle. We met these other people who helped us, but then pushed us away when I disgusted that one of them was Portugese. It was a laugh.
Anyway I was so hammered and made jokes about these 5 people that didnt go down too well. Will never see them again...probabally a good thing.
Tubing was AMAZING. Was going to go again today but I feel rough as hell as after tubing we went out till midnight so a good 12 hours of beer, buckets and shots were inside me. So today I'm doing nothing and catching the early bus back to Vientiane tommorow.
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