Monday 6th September
Christchurch to Bergen (Norway)
Left home in the small hours to pick up the 8.20am flight from Gatwick. Dad kindly drove me up and left dropped me off at the airport, he had to go on to work that morning so he went straight on and left me alone with my backpack for the first time!
Flight was fine and the weather was perfect as we flew in over Norway and we got a great view of the landscape which was pretty but not as dramamtic as some of the stuff I have seen over the last few days. On arrival I walked straight out the door and the bus I needed was there and waiting to go. I jumped on and it took me to virtually right outside the hostel I had booked into. I then went for a walk around the city with an Australian girl who was at the hostel and had been on the same flight and bus as me.
Once we were allowed into our slightly surreal dorm (it was enormous with no windows, very little sapce between beds and speakers on the ceiling!) I had a sleep as was totally knackered! Later on I went out for a walk, saw some more of the city and picked up some dinner.
Tuesday 7th September
Bergen is a very nice, scenic, clean and pretty town but not especially exciting on a midweek. Its Norways second city and is known as the gateway to the Fjords. Its surrounded by several mountains and on Tuesday a group of us walked up to the top of the tallest one, Ulriken, and back down again - its about 880m high if my memory serves me right. The views from the top were amazing and I will put some pictures up that I took when I can. Has a good view of Bergen football stadium from half way up which I enjoyed!Had a few beers in the evening and played some cards.
Wednesday 8th September
Bergen - Flåm
Got in a bit of a flap in the morning as couldnt decide what to do next! I wanted to do a boat trip but it didnt really work very well with times etc. so I eventually decided to take the train to a place called Flåm which is right in the middle of the fjords. The scenery on the last part of the train journey was absolutely stunning (Dad - I think its a trip you would love - look it up!). Flåm is a just small tourist resort but the location is amazingly beautiful with the sea washing in between massive, near vertical mountain sides on either side, separated by just a few hunderd yards. The town is on the lush valley that leads down to the Fjord which the trainline runs down. The weather was still good so, after erecting my tent at a local campsite, I took a little walk in the evening around the edges of the fjord then went to bed as there was virtually no one around!
Thursday 9th September
Flåm - Oslo
Ideally I would have spent more time in the Fjords but I have quite a schedule to meet Si and Ric and Berlin by the 18th! Therefore I picked up the train again this morning and went up the valley to pick up the main line service to Oslo. Even though the journey was over 5 hours it was very comfortable and I was kept occupied by the amazing scenery and a rather nice Norwegian girl sat opposite me. Saw my first glacier and numerous more mountains!
Arrived in Oslo around 5.30 found a hostel with a room (its got windows this time) and went for a wander around. Although it wasnt particularly norwegian I couldnt resist picking up a curry for my first dinner out so far when I saw one particularly good value place. Saw my first piece of really impressive modern architecture of the tour - Oslo Opera House. Fellow architectural saddos should check it out, beautiful building I thought. Ive got two nights here then Im off to Stockholm so will update when I next can.
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