Today we head up a volcano. We have tickets booked for the Volcanic Explorer Tour, which involves a ferry crossing from the Harbour over to Mount Rangitoto, and then a tractor pulled train towards the summit of this 600 year old volcano, where we will have the opportunity to look around in our own time for a bit before decent.
The crossing is smooth, it's a beautiful sunny day and very warm, even up top on the ferry, the breeze isn't too fresh. It takes about 20 minutes to cross and we are met by the 'train', essentially a tractor with two small carriages attached, that will take us up.
The guide is informative, pointing out local trees etc on the way up but the most impressive aspects of the scenery are the lava flows.
They really have been untouched, and looking out at them, you can almost picture the flow in motion. The height of them at times is unreal, and they are quite impressive.
After about an hour, the train stops, and we have a short walk to the summit, which we are told will take about 20 minutes. What we aren't told is that we face 365 steps of varying height before we reach the summit.
The steps are hard going, although pausing every now and again to take pictures does help a little. Towards the top, there is a viewing platform that overlooks the crater, although it an be difficult to make our as it's overgrown with trees.
Another 5 minute walk takes you to the very top, where you can get some great views over the Harbour, and across to Auckland. You will also have a chance to see the lookout station, set up during the war to protect New Zealand from possible invasion.
The walk down seems quicker, and we meet the train again for our decent around the other side of the Volcano, taking in lava fields and the amazing views, we make a stop to get out and walk over one of the lava fields before continuing down to our starting point to pick up the last ferry of the day back to the mainland.
A short walk through town and we catch a bus back to the motel, and arrive at about 1800. I make a quick change and am off out into Takapuna to meet a friend for a drink. Nice little place, plenty of bars, restaurants, and a pleasant atmosphere, even in a bar full of roudy, but friendly, Rugby fans.
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